1 Ay-e tal skwilawal whulam ta Jesus; Ay-e tal skwilawal tomuk-swile; Jesus tokla a-yelokh-sthawmikh; La-stlaykwus my-ate tomuk-wat. | Tal See-am, tal ay-e see-aya, Talsa mellas swas Jesus; Tokla aylakut tal skwilawal, Hytch kwa Tchee-tchilth See-am. | 2 Al stlaykwus tzayte talswal see-aya, Tokla Jesus swas skwikhs; Kwus-litelth whul-ay ta kul see-ize, Tokla `kie whimay telth-le-melth. | Precious Savior, thou dost save me— Thine, and only thine, I am— Oh, the cleansing blood has reached me; Glory, glory to the Lamb! | Glory, glory, Jesus saves me! Glory, glory, to the Lamb! Oh, the cleansing blood has reached me, Glory, glory, to the Lamb! | Yes, I will stand up for Jesus, He has sweetly saved my soul; Cleansed my soul from sin’s corruption, Sanctified and made me whole. | |