11s & 10s.
Hail the blest morn.
Hail the blest morn! when the great Mediator
Down from the regions of glory descends!
Shepherds, go worship the babe in the manger;
Lo! for your guide the bright angel attends!
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning,
Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thy aid:
Star of the East, the horizon adorning,
Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid.
2 Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are shining,
Low lies his head with the beasts of the stall:
Angels adore him in slumbers reclining,
Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all!
3 Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion,
Odors of Eden, and offerings divine;
Gems from the mountain, and pearls from the ocean,
Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine?
4 Vainly we offer earth’s richest oblation
Vainly with gold would his favor secure;
Richer, by far, is the heart’s adoration,
Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor!