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C. H. M.

Watch and pray.

Go watch and pray; thou canst not tell

How near thine hour may be;

Thou canst not know how soon the bell

May toll its notes for thee:


Death’s countless snares beset thy way;

Frail child of dust, go watch and pray.

2 Fond youth, while free from blighting care,

Does thy firm pulse beat high?

Do hope’s glad visions, bright and fair,

Dilate before thine eye?

Soon these must change, must pass away;

Frail child of dust, go watch and pray.

3 Thou aged man, life’s wintry storm

Hath seared thy vernal bloom;

With trembling limbs, and wasting form,

Thou’rt bending o’er thy tomb;

And can vain hope lead thee astray?

Go, weary pilgrim, watch and pray.

4 Ambition, stop thy panting breath:

Pride, sink thy lifted eye!

Behold the caverns, dark with death,

Before you open lie:

The heavenly warning now obey;

Ye sons of pride, go watch and pray.

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