711 1183
C. M.
In the morning, etc.
Psalm 5:3.
To thee let my first offerings rise, Whose sun creates the day; Swift as his gladdening influence flies, And spotless as his ray. | 2 This day thy favoring hand be nigh, So oft vouchsafed before: Still may it lead, protect, supply, And I that hand adore. | 3 If bliss thy providence impart, For which, resigned, I pray; Give me to feel the grateful heart, And thus thy love repay. | 4 Afflictions should thy love intend, As vice or folly’s cure, Patient to gain that glorious end, May I the means endure! | 5 Be this and every future day Still wiser than the past, And when I all my life survey, May grace sustain at last. | |