C. P. M.
Matthew 14:28, 29.
He bids us come; his voice we know,
And boldly on the waters go,
To him our Christ and Lord;
We walk on life’s tempestuous sea,
For he who died to set us free
Hath called us by his word.
2 Secure from troubled waves we tread,
Nor all the storms around us heed,
While to our Lord we look;
O’er every fierce temptation bound—
The billows yield a solid ground,
The wave is firm as rock.
3 But if from him we turn our eye,
And see the raging floods run high,
And feel our fears within;
Our foes so strong, our flesh so frail,
Reason and unbelief prevail,
And sink us into sin.
4 Lord, we our feeble faith confess;
That little spark of faith increase,
That we may doubt no more;
But fix on thee our steady eye,
And on thine outstretched arm rely,
Till all the storm is o’er.