
« Prev If any man serve me, etc.—John 12:26. Next »


L. M.

If any man serve me, etc.
John 12:26.


See how the willing converts trace

The path their great Redeemer trod:

And follow through his liquid grave

The meek, the lowly Son of God!

2 Here they renounce their former deeds,

And to a heavenly life aspire,

Their rags for glorious robes exchanged,

They shine in clean and bright attire.

3 O sacred rite, by thee the name

Of Jesus we to own begin;

This is our resurrection pledge,

Pledge of the pardon of our sin.

4 Glory to God on high be given,

Who shows his grace to sinful men;

Let saints on earth, and hosts in heaven,

In concert join their loud Amen.

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