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P. M.

Evening prayer.


I come to thee to-night,

In my lone closet, where no eye can see,

And dare to crave an interview with thee,

Father of love and light.

2 Softly the moonbeams shine

On the still branches of the shadowy trees,

While all sweet sounds of evening on the breeze

Steal through the slumbering vine.

3 Thou gavest the calm repose

That rests on all; the air, the birds, the flower,

The human spirit in its weary hour,

Now at the bright day’s close.

4 Father! my soul would be

Pure as the drops of eve’s unsullied dew—

And as the stars whose nightly course is true,

So would I be to thee.

5 Not for myself alone

Would I the blessings of thy love implore;

But for each penitent the wide earth o’er,

Whom thou hast called thine own.

6 And for my heart’s best friends,

Whose steadfast kindness o’er my painful years

Has watched, to soothe affliction’s griefs and tears,

My warmest prayer ascends.

7 And now, O Father, take

The heart I cast with humble faith on thee,

And cleanse its depths from each impurity,

For my Redeemer’s sake.

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