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List Of Works Published By Johnstone, Hunter, & Co., Edinburgh.


The Christian Treasury; Containing Contributions from Ministers and Members of various Evangelical Denominations. Edited by Horatius Bonar, D.D. Super royal 8vo. Monthly Parts, £ 6. Weekly Numbers, 1.

The Children's Hour; A Monthly Magazine for our Young Folks. Edited by M. H., Author of Rosa Lindesay, etc. Crown 8vo. Beautifully Illustrated, 3.

The Reformed Presbyterian Magazine; Containing Home and Missionary Intelligence relating to the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland. Demy 8vo. Monthly, 4.


Super royal 32mo, cloth limp. Illustrated.

1. Jeanie Hay, the Cheerful Giver. And other Tales.

2. Lily Ramsay; or Handsome Is who Handsome Does. And other Tales.

3. Archie Douglas; or, Where there's a Will there's a Way. And other.

4. Minnie and Letty; or, The Expected Arrival. And other Tales.

5. Ned Fairlie and His Rich Uncle. And other Tales.

6. Mr Granville's Journey. And other Tales.

7. Jamie Wilson's Adventures. And other Tales.

8. The Two Friends. And other Tales.

9. The Turnip Lantern. And other Tales.

10. John Butler; or, The Blind Man's Dog. And other Tales.

11. Christfried's First Journey. And other Tales.

12. Katie Watson, The Contented Lacemaker. And other Tales.

13. Biddy, the Maid of All Work.

14. Maggie Morris: A Tale of the Devonshire Moor.


Super Royal 32mo, in Illuminated Covers.

1. Short Tales to Explain Homely Proverbs. By M. H. A Series of Twelve Penny Books. Illustrated.

2. Short Stories to Explain Bible Texts. By M. H. A Series of Twelve Penny Books. Illustrated.


3. Wise Sayings, and Stories to Explain Them. By M. H. A Series of Twelve Penny Books. Illustrated.

4. Little Tales for Little People. A Series of Six Twopenny Books. Illustrated.


Super royal 32mo, extra cloth, bevelled boards, Illustrated.

1. The Story of a Red Velvet Bible. By M. H.

2. Alice Lowther; or, Grandmamma's Story about her Little Red Bible. By J. W. C.

3. Nothing to Do; or, the Influence of a Life. By M. H.

4. Alfred and the Little Dove. By the Rev. F. A. Krummacher, D.D. And The Young Savoyard. By Ernest Hold.

5. Mary M'Neill; or, The Word Remembered. A Tale of Humble Life. By J. W. C.

6. Henry Morgan; or, The Sower and the Seed. By M. H.

7. Witless Willie, the Idiot Boy. By the Author of Mary Matheson, etc.

8. Mary Mansfield; or, No Time to be a Christian. By M. H.

9. Frank Fielding; or, Debts and Difficulties. By Agnes Veitch.

10. Tales for The Children's Hour. By M. M. C.

11. The Little Captain: a Tale of the Sea. By Mrs George Cupples.

12. Gottfried of the Iron Hand: a Tale of German Chivalry.

13. Arthur Fortescue; or, The Schoolboy Hero. By Robert Hope Moncrieff.

14. The Sangreal; or, The Hidden Treasure. By M. H.

15. Cockerill the Conjurer; or, The Brave Boy of Hameln.

16. Jottings from the Diary of the Sun. By M. H.

17. Down Among the Water Weeds. By Mona B. Bickerstaffe.


Super royal 32mo, extra cloth, richly gilt sides and edges, Illustrated.

1. Short Tales to Explain Homely Proverbs. By M. H.

2. Short Stories to Explain Bible Texts. By M. H.

3. Alfred and the Little Dove. By the Rev. F. A. Krummacher, D.D. And Witless Willie, the Idiot Boy. By the Author of Mary Matheson, etc.

4. The Story of a Red Velvet Bible: and Henry Morgan; or, The Sower and the Seed. By M. H., Editor of The Children's Hour.

5. Arthur Fortescue; or, The Schoolboy Hero. By Robert Hope Moncrieff. And Frank Fielding; or, Debts and Difficulties. By Agnes Veitch.

6. Mary M'Neill; or, The Word Remembered. By J. W. C. And other Tales.

7. Alice Lowther; or, Grandmamma's Story about her Little Red Bible. By J. W. C. And other Tales.

8. Nothing to Do; or, The Influence of a Life: and Mary Mansfield; or, No Time to be a Christian. By M. H.

9. Bill Marlin's Tales of the Sea. By Mrs George Cupples.

10. Gottfried of the Iron Hand. And other Tales.

11. The Story of the Kirk: a Sketch of Scottish Church History. By Robert Naismith.

12. The Hidden Treasure. And other Tales. By M. H.

13. Little Tales for Little People. By Various Authors.

14. Wise Sayings, and Stories to Explain Them. By M. H.



Extra fcap. 8vo, handsomely bound in cloth.

1. Rosa Lindesay, the Light of Kilmain. By M. H. Illustrated.

2. Newlyn House, the Home of the Davenports. By A. E. W. Illustrated.

3. Alice Thorne; or, A Sister's Work. Illustrated.

4. Labourers in the Vineyard. By M. H. Illustrated.

5. The Children of the Great King. By M. H. Illustrated.

6. Little Harry's Troubles. By the Author of "Gottfried." Illustrated.

7. Sunday School Photographs. By the Rev. Alfred Taylor, Bristol, Pennsylvania.

8. Waymarks for the Guiding of Little Feet. By the Rey. J. A. Wallace.

9. The Domestic Circle; or, The Relations, Responsibilities, and Duties of Home Life. By the Rev. John Thomson. Illustrated.

10. Select Christian Biographies. By the Rev. James Gardner, A.M., M.D. Illustrated.

11. Ocean Lays. Selected by the Rev. J. Longmuir, LL.D. Illustrated.

12. Wilberforce's Practical View of Christianity. Complete Edition.

13. Communion Services, According to the Presbyterian Form. By the Rev. J. A. Wallace.

14. Attitudes and Aspects of the Divine Redeemer. By Rev. J. A. Wallace.

15. The Redeemer and the Redemption. By the Rev. Alex. S. Patterson, D.D.

16. A Pastor's Legacy. Edited by the Rev. J. A. Wallace.

17. James Nisbet; a Study for Young Men. By the Rev. J. A. Wallace.

18. Noble Rivers, and Stories concerning them. By Anna J. Buckland. Illustrated.


Extra fcap. 8vo, richly gilt sides and edges.

1. Miss Matty; or, Our Youngest Passenger. And other Tales. Illustrated.

2. Horace Hazelwood; or, Little Things. And other Tales. Illustrated.

3. Rosa Lindesay, the Light of Kilmain. By M. H. Illustrated.

4. Newlyn House, the Home of the Davenports. By A. E. W. Illustrated.

5. Alice Thorne; or, A Sister's Work. Illustrated.

6. Labourers in the Vineyard. By M. H. Illustrated.

7. Little Harry's Troubles. By the Author of Gottfried. Illustrated.

8. The Children of the Great King. By M. H. Illustrated.

9. The Domestic Circle; or, The Relations, Responsibilities, and Duties of Home Life. By the Rev. John Thomson. Illustrated.

10. Sunday School Photographs. By the Rev. Alfred Taylor, Bristol.

11. Waymarks for the Guiding of Little Feet. By the Rev. J. A. Wallace.

12. Select Christian Biographies. By the Rev. James Gardner, A.M., M.D. Illustrated.

13. Cardiphonia; or, The Utterance of the Heart. In a Series of Letters. By John Newton. A New Edition, bevelled boards, cut edges.

14. Found Afloat. By Mrs George Cupples. And other Tales. Illustrated.

15. James Nisbet; a Study for Young Men. By the Rev. J. A. Wallace.

16. The White Roe of Glenmere. By Mona B. Bickerstaffe. And other Tales. Illustrated.

17. Noble Rivers, and Stories concerning them. By Anna J. Buckland. Illustrated.



Bound in cloth, bevelled boards, richly gilt sides and edges.

1. The Children's Hour Annual. First Series. 656 pp. Extra fcap. 8vo. Illustrated.

2. The Children's Hour Annual. Second Series. 640 pp. Extra fcap. 8vo. Illustrated.

3. Sketches of Scripture Characters. By the Rev. Andrew Thomson, D.D. Crown 8vo. Illustrated.

4. Stars of Earth; or, Wild Flowers of the Months. By Leigh Page. Crown 8vo. With Original Illustrations by the Author.

5. Elijah; the Desert Prophet: A Biography. By the Rev. H. T. Howat. Crown 8vo. Illustrated.

Afflicted's Refuge (The); or, Prayers adapted to various Circumstances of Distress. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, £ 2 6.

Alfred and the Little Dove. By F. A. Krummacher, D.D. And the Young Savoyard. By Ernest Hold. Translated from the German by a Lady. Royal 32mo, cloth. Illustrated, 1 0.

Alice Lowther; or, Grandmamma's Story about her Little Red Bible. By J. W. C., Author of Mary M'Neill, etc. Royal 32mo, cloth, Illustrated, 1 0.

Alice Thorne; or, A Sister's Work. Extra fcap. 8vo, cloth, Illustrated, 2 6.——Extra cloth, gilt edges, 3 0.

Archie Douglas; or, Where there's a Will there's a Way. And other Tales. Super Royal 32mo, cloth, Illustrated, 6.

Arthur Fortescue; or, The Schoolboy Hero. By Robert Hope Moncrieff. Royal 32mo, cloth, Illustrated, 1 0.

Authorised Standards of the Free Church of Scotland: Being the Westminster Confession of Faith and other Documents. Published by Authority of the General Assembly. Demy 12mo, cloth limp, 1 3.——Cloth boards, 1 6.——Superior Edition, Printed on Superfine Paper, extra cloth, bevelled boards, antique, 2 6.——Full calf, lettered, antique 5 0.

Biddy, the Maid of All Work. Super Royal 32mo, cloth, Illustrated, 6.

Bill Marlin's Tales of the Sea. By Mrs George Cupples. Super royal 32mo, extra cloth, gilt edges, Illustrated, 1 6.

Brodie (Rev. James, A.M.) The Antiquity and Nature of Man: A Reply to Sir Charles Lyell's Recent Work. Extra fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2 6.

——Papers Offered for Discussion at the meeting of the British Association at Dundee. Extra fcap. 8vo, boards, 1 0.

The Rational Creation: An Inquiry into the Nature and Classification of Rational Creatures, and the Government which God exercises over them. Crown 8vo, cloth, 5 0.

An Inquiry into the Apocalypse, with an Endeavour to ascertain our present Position on the Chart of Time. Royal 8vo, sewed 2 0.


Brodie (Rev. James, A.M.) Memoir of Annie M'Donald Christie, a Self-taught Cottager. Demy 18mo, cloth, £ 1 6.

Buckland (Anna J.) Noble Rivers, and Stories concerning Them. Extra fcap. 8vo, cloth, with Illustrations, 2 6.——Extra cloth, gilt edges, 3 0.

Burns (Rev. George, D.D.) Prayers for the Use of Sabbath Schools. 18mo, sewed, 4.


The Assembly's Shorter Catechism; with References to the Scripture Proofs. Demy 18mo, stitched, 0-½.

The Assembly's Shorter Catechism; with (Italicised) Proofs from Scripture at full length; also with Additional Scripture References, selected from Boston, Fisher, M. Henry, Paterson, Vincent, and others. Demy 18mo, stitched, 1.

The Assembly's Larger Catechism; with (Italicised) Proofs from Scripture at full length. Demy 12mo, sewed, 6.

Catechism of the Evidences of Revealed Religion, with a few Preliminary Questions on Natural Religion. By William Ferrie, D.D., Kilconquhar. 18mo, stitched, 4.

Catechism on Baptism: in which are considered its Nature, its Subjects, and the Obligations resulting from it. By the late Henry Grey, D.D., Edinburgh. 18mo, stitched, 6.

The Child's First Catechism. 48mo, stitched, 0-½.

Short Catechism for Young Children. By the Rev. John Brown, Haddington. 32mo, stitched, 0-½.

Plain Catechism for Children. By the Rev. Matthew Henry. 18mo, stitched, 1.

Fifty Questions concerning the Leading Doctrines and Duties of the Gospel; with Scripture Answers and Parallel Texts. For the use of Sabbath Schools. 18mo, stitched, 1.

Form of Examination before the Communion. Approved by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland (1592), and appointed to be read in Families and Schools; with Proofs from Scripture (commonly known as Craig's Catechism). With a Recommendatory Note by the Rev. Dr Candlish, Rev. Alexander Moody Stuart, and Rev. Dr Horatius Bonar. 18mo, stitched, 1.

The Mother's Catechism; being a Preparatory Help for the Young and Ignorant, to their easier understanding The Assembly's Shorter Catechism. By the Rev. John Willison, Dundee. 32mo, stitched, 1.

Watts' (Dr Isaac) Juvenile Historical Catechisms of the Old and New Testaments; with Numerous Scripture References, and a Selection of Hymns. Demy 18mo, stitched, 1.

A Scripture Catechism, Historical and Doctrinal, for the use Of Schools and Families. By John Whitecross, Author of Anecdotes on the Shorter Catechism, etc. 18mo, stitched, 1.

A Summary of Christian Doctrine and Duties; being the Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism, without the Questions, with Marginal References. Fcap. 8vo, stitched, 1.

Children of the Great King (The): A Story of the Crimean War. By M. H., Editor of The Children's Hour. Extra fcap. 8vo, cloth, with Illustrations, 2 6.——Cloth extra, gilt edges, 3 0.


Children's Hour (The) Annual. First Series. 656 pp., and upwards of 50 Illustrations. Extra fcap. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges, £ 5 0.

——Second Series. 640 pp., and upwards of 70 Illustrations. Extra fcap. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges, 5 0.

Children's Hour (The) Series of Gift Books.

1. Miss Matty; or, Our Youngest Passenger. And other Tales.

2. Horace Hazelwood. And other Tales.

3. Found Afloat. And other Tales.

4. The White Roe of Glenmere. And other Tales. Extra fcap. 8vo, cloth, gilt sides and edges, Illustrated—each 3 0.

Christfried's First Journey. And other Tales. Super royal 32mo, cloth, Illustrated, 6.

Christian Treasury (The) Volumes 1845 to 1860. 16 Volumes, royal 8vo, cloth—each 5 0.

A complete Set will be forwarded to any part of the country, carriage paid, on receipt of £3, 3s.

——Volumes 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, and 1866. Super royal 8vo, cloth, green and gold—each 6 6.

Cockerill the Conjurer; or, The Brave Boy of Hameln. By the Author of Little Harry's Troubles. Super royal 32mo, cloth, bevelled boards, Illustrated, 1 0.

Confession of Faith (The) agreed upon at the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. Complete Edition, with the Italics of the elegant Quarto Edition of 1658 restored. (Authorised Edition.) Demy 12mo, cloth limp, 1 0.

——Cloth boards, 1 3.——Superior Edition, Printed on Superfine Paper, extra cloth, bevelled boards, antique, 2 6.——Full calf, lettered, antique, 5 0.

Dill (Edward Marcus, A.M., M.D.) The Mystery Solved: or, Ireland's Miseries: Their Grand Cause and Cure. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2 6.

——The Gathering Storm; or, Britain's Romeward Career: A Warning and Appeal to British Protestants. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 1 0.

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