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Acts, the, and the Gospel, 415.
Adoration of the shepherds, 67.
Advent, the, long, delayed, 17.
" the music of the, 29.
Agony, the, and the Transfiguration, 365.
Angels and "men," 402.
Anointing, the, of the feet, 209.
Antioch, 3, 4.
Apostleship, the, instituted, 190.
Apostles, the, sent forth, 269.
Augustus Cæsar, 62.
Authority, set under, 206.
Baptism, the, of Jesus, 189.
Beatitudes, the Mount of, 195.
Being, more than doing, 338.
Benedictus, the, 42, 43.
Bethany, 307.
Bethlehem Ephratah, 61, 62.
Bethsaida, 157.
" Julias, 271.
Betrayer, the, 378.
Blind, the, sight for, 138, 139.
Blindness, spiritual, 140.
Body, the spiritual, 356.
"Bread enough and to spare," 324.
Brotherhood, the, of man, 304.
Business and religion, 237.
Caiaphas, 383, 387.
Calling, the, of the four, 162.
Cana, 64, 131.
" and the desert-place, 280.
Capernaum, 65, 131, 203.
Cares, the, of life, 235.
Carlyle, 32.
Casual disciples, 234.
Centurion, faith of the, 195.
" humility of the, 204.
Centurions, the three, 200.
Character, in the kingdom of heaven, 245.
" and circumstance, 337.
" makes destiny, 357.
Childhood consecrated, 85.
Christ, the transfigured, 283.
" " suffering, 410.
Christianity, the rapid spread of, 8.
Chronology of New Testament vague, 16.
Circumcision, the rite of, 83.
Citizenship in the new kingdom, 245, 248.
Cleopas, 405.
Coifi and his parable, 352.
Common things made sacred, 75.
Concerning prayer, 177.
Conduct, character in motion, 337.
Court of the women, 47.
Creed, a, not a Christ, 155.
Cross, the foreshadow of the, 282.
" the, the central thought of heaven, 291.
Cup, the, of the Agony, 368.
" " of sorrow transfigured, 375.
Death, foreign to the sinless life, 285.
" an "exodus," 288.
Debtors, the two, 216.
Decision of character, 167.
Demonology, 153, 155.
"Depart from me, O lord," 172.
Departed, the, interested in earthly things, 290.
Destiny, eternal, 363.
Disciples, the three candidate, 246, 247.
" " sleeping, 372, 381.
" misunderstand Christ's mission, 409.
Divided energies, 235.
Dorner, Dr., 351.
Drachma, the lost, 339.
Draught, the, of fishes, 169.
Duties owing to the State, 349.
418 Eastern mind poetic, 31.
"Eat, drink, and be merry," 358.
Elder brother, the, 329.
Elizabeth, 20, 34.
" song of, 20, 36, 37.
Emmaus, the walk to, 405.
" the, apocalypse, 411.
Eschatology, the, of St. Luke, 352.
Ethics, the, of St. Luke, 336, 351.
Ethical, the, compass, 342.
Evolution, not revolution, 170.
Ewald, 90.
Faith, the secret of victory, 127.
Farrar, Archdeacon, 187, 215.
Fast, the forty days', 110.
Fasting and prayer, 111.
Fatherhood, the, of God, 179.
Forgiveness, the joy of, 217.
" to follow repentance, 346.
Gabriel and the Virgin Mary, 55.
Gethsemane, 191, 284, 296, 364.
"Give ye them to eat," 274.
Giving, 202, 348.
Godet, Professor, 223, 296, 335.
Golden rule, the, 303.
Good tidings to the poor, 136.
" part, the, 312.
Gospel, the, of the Old Testament, 134.
" " " liberty, 142.
Gospels, the four, a unity, 1.
Grave, the, not our goal, 354.
Growth of the kingdom, 251.
Gulf, the great, 363.
Healing, miracles of, 255.
Hearers, not doers, 226.
Heaven in the Old Testament, 178.
" near and real to Jesus, 189.
" and hell, 361.
Hebraisms in St. Luke, 15.
Hermon, Mount, 282.
Herod, king of Judæa, 18.
" the Tetrarch, 270.
" Jesus before, 392.
Herodias, daughter of, 103.
Holy Spirit, full of the, 108.
Home associations, 82.
" and the synagogue, 149.
Hope and despair, 408.
Housebuilders, the, 359.
Humanity and nationality, 5.
Humility, 342.
Hundredfold, the, increase, 239.
Incarnation, the, 48.
Inn, the, of Bethlehem, 76.
" " " Chimham, 77.
Inspiration, the personal element in, 2, 10.
" " work of the Holy Spirit, 12, 13.
Jesus, baptism of, 97.
" returns to Nazareth, 128.
" preaches in the synagogue, 132.
" no pessimist, 136.
" and the Fatherhood of God, 136.
" a Lover of freedom, 143.
" the King, 244.
" " knowledge of, 264.
" " compassion of, 266.
" " power of, 267.
" "offered Himself," 381.
" appears to the eleven, 412.
Jews, the, and the Samaritans, 301.
Joachim and Anna, 53.
John the Baptist, a Nazarite, 25.
" his mission foretold, 81.
" withdraws to the desert, 88.
" his manifestation, 89.
" effect of his ministry, 92.
" secret of his success, 93.
" his wavering faith, 100.
" belongs to the old dispensation, 102.
Joseph, 50.
Judaism and spiritual life, 21.
Judas Iscariot, 378.
Judging others, 339.
Khamasa, the modern Emmaus, 405.
Kingdom, the, of heaven, 241.
" the keys of the, 244.
" the, and its citizens, 245.
" the growth of the, 251.
" the, not of this world, 252.
Lamb, the, of God, 100.
"Larger hope," the, 361.
419 Law, the, exacting, unforgiving, 220.
" of love, the, supreme, 338.
Leaven, the, hid in the meal, 252.
Leper, Jesus touches the, 259.
Life, the, which now is, 336.
Little things, the Divine care for, 278.
Loan, the, of the three loaves, 186.
Loaves, the miracle of the, 269.
Lord's Day, the first, 400.
Losing all, to gain all, 175.
Lost and found, 317.
Love in action and love at rest, 307.
" the all-embracing duty, 338.
" of country, 350.
Loving the sinner, 324.
" our enemies, 343.
Luke, St., and humanity, 4.
" " his Gentile sympathies, 4, 5.
" " his profession, 6, 7.
" " reasons for writing his Gospel, 9.
Magnificat, the, 39.
Malchus, 382.
Mariolatry, 52.
Marriage in the after-life, 355.
Martha of Bethany, 309.
Mary the listener, 310.
" anoints the feet of Jesus, 314.
Miracles, natural and necessary, 148.
Miracle, a, of a new order, 169, 279.
Misery, the, of sin, 333.
Money, the love of, 348, 379.
Moses and Elijah, 286.
Mustard seed, a grain of, 252.
"My soul is exceeding sorrowful," 367.
Nature, the kingdom of, 243.
Nazareth, 37, 50.
Needle's eye, the, 246.
Neighbour, my, 296.
Ninety and nine, the, just persons, 335.
"Numbered among the transgressors," 396.
Nunc Dimittis, 44.
Oaths and curses, 384.
Obedience, in the Christian life, 168.
Obedience to parents, 349.
Order, Heaven's love of, 277.
Orpheus and his lyre, 371.
Papias, 55.
Passover, an extemporised, 280.
" the, 377.
Paternoster, a parabolic, 322.
Peter, the faith of, 167.
Peter's wife's mother, 157.
" denial, 383.
" lack of moral courage, 386.
Pharisee, the, and the publican, 181, 250.
Pharisees, the teaching of the, 200.
" the, reject both Jesus and John, 209.
Philip the evangelist, 247.
Phillips Brooks, 315.
Pilate, Jesus before, 390.
" pleads for Jesus, 393.
" character of, 394.
Pity, the Divine, 276.
Pleasures, the, of life, 238.
" and pains of the after-life, 357.
Poor, the, in spirit, 249.
" " and the proud in spirit, 250.
Prayer and healing, 159.
" character, a condition of, 181.
" the Lord's, 182.
" " wide realm of, 185.
" importunity in, 186.
" habitual with Jesus, 189, 194.
" of Jesus for Simon, 193.
" answered, but not granted, 374.
Pride condemned, 341.
Priest, the, and Levite, 298.
Priesthood, friendly to Jesus, 299.
Principles, evolved but not created, 337.
Prodigal son, the, 321.
Promise, the, of the Father, 414.
Prophets of the old dispensation, 135.
Psalms, the, of the Advent, 33.
" the four, one song, 45.
Quarantania, the, 110.
Receiving and giving, 315.
Regeneration not reform, 337.
420 Religion, little more than form, 149.
Religiousness not always religion, 300.
Religious, the, instinct, 177.
Repentant, Heaven's joy over the, 334.
Resurrection life, the, 285.
Return, the, of the prodigal, 325.
Riches, the pursuit after, 237.
Rich man, the, and Lazarus, 359.
Sabbath, a, in Galilee, 148.
" the, question, 150.
" " and the Lords Day, 415.
Sacrament, the new, 370.
Sacred sites obscure, 68.
Samaritan, the good, 294.
" his thoughtful sympathy, 302.
Sceptre, the departed, 91.
Scriptures, the misread, 410.
Sea, the, is His, 171.
Seed, the way-side, 227.
" the, on the rocks, 230.
" " amid the thorns, 235.
" " in the good ground, 238.
Self-sacrifice, the beauty of, 305.
Servant, the, of the centurion, 196.
Sheep, the lost, 318.
Shepherds, the, and the angels, 69.
" character of the, 73.
Sight for the soul, 306.
Silence, four centuries of, 19.
Simon the Pharisee, 211.
" " " a seeker after truth, 212.
" the Cyrenean, 395.
Sin, confessed, then forgiven, 328.
" the Divine grief over, 330.
" to be rebuked, 345.
Sinners, hope for, 220.
Sisters, the two, 306.
Son, a, with a servant's heart, 330.
Sower, parable of the, 225.
Spices for the embalming, 401.
Spikenard and tears, 216.
Stier, 218.
Sympathy in sorrow, 368.
Synagogue, the, at Capernaum, 151.
Talents, parable of the, 359.
Taxing, the, 62.
Temptation, the, 105.
Testimony, value of personal, 201.
Testing times, 233.
Theophilus, 7.
Thief, the penitent, 397.
Tower, the, of the flock, 68.
Transfiguration, the, 191, 281.
Trial, the mock, 388.
Ulysses and the sirens, 229.
Unclean devil, the, 152.
Unity, the, of the Godhead, 178.
Unjust judge, the, 187.
Unquiet heart, the, 315.
Vacillation, a bar to heavenly citizenship, 246.
Valley, the, of the shadow, 354.
Vindictive feelings disallowed, 344.
Virgin-conception, the, a familiar thought, 50.
Vision, the double, 141.
Voice, the human, and the Divine Word, 201.
Watch, the, in Gethsemane, 364.
Wayside, the, may become fruitful, 230.
Wealth, its place in the new kingdom, 245.
" the true use of, 346.
" " peculiar dangers of, 347.
" to be held in trust, 348.
" consecrated, 348.
Welcome home, the, 328.
Will, submission to the Father's, 375.
Woman, a, of the city, 213.
Words, the, of Jesus, the Word of God, 164.
" Divine, forgotten, 403.
Work and worship, 55, 74.
Worlds beyond the world, 353.
Worship, the heart in, 150.
" counterfeit, 228.
Wrong not to be condoned, 345.
Zacharias, 20.
" in the holy place, 22.
" prayer of, 23.
" the angel's message to, 23.
" asks for a sign, 26.
" and the Benidictus, 28.
Adoration of the shepherds, 67.
Advent, the, long, delayed, 17.
" the music of the, 29.
Agony, the, and the Transfiguration, 365.
Angels and "men," 402.
Anointing, the, of the feet, 209.
Antioch, 3, 4.
Apostleship, the, instituted, 190.
Apostles, the, sent forth, 269.
Augustus Cæsar, 62.
Authority, set under, 206.
Baptism, the, of Jesus, 189.
Beatitudes, the Mount of, 195.
Being, more than doing, 338.
Benedictus, the, 42, 43.
Bethany, 307.
Bethlehem Ephratah, 61, 62.
Bethsaida, 157.
" Julias, 271.
Betrayer, the, 378.
Blind, the, sight for, 138, 139.
Blindness, spiritual, 140.
Body, the spiritual, 356.
"Bread enough and to spare," 324.
Brotherhood, the, of man, 304.
Business and religion, 237.
Caiaphas, 383, 387.
Calling, the, of the four, 162.
Cana, 64, 131.
" and the desert-place, 280.
Capernaum, 65, 131, 203.
Cares, the, of life, 235.
Carlyle, 32.
Casual disciples, 234.
Centurion, faith of the, 195.
" humility of the, 204.
Centurions, the three, 200.
Character, in the kingdom of heaven, 245.
" and circumstance, 337.
" makes destiny, 357.
Childhood consecrated, 85.
Christ, the transfigured, 283.
" " suffering, 410.
Christianity, the rapid spread of, 8.
Chronology of New Testament vague, 16.
Circumcision, the rite of, 83.
Citizenship in the new kingdom, 245, 248.
Cleopas, 405.
Coifi and his parable, 352.
Common things made sacred, 75.
Concerning prayer, 177.
Conduct, character in motion, 337.
Court of the women, 47.
Creed, a, not a Christ, 155.
Cross, the foreshadow of the, 282.
" the, the central thought of heaven, 291.
Cup, the, of the Agony, 368.
" " of sorrow transfigured, 375.
Death, foreign to the sinless life, 285.
" an "exodus," 288.
Debtors, the two, 216.
Decision of character, 167.
Demonology, 153, 155.
"Depart from me, O lord," 172.
Departed, the, interested in earthly things, 290.
Destiny, eternal, 363.
Disciples, the three candidate, 246, 247.
" " sleeping, 372, 381.
" misunderstand Christ's mission, 409.
Divided energies, 235.
Dorner, Dr., 351.
Drachma, the lost, 339.
Draught, the, of fishes, 169.
Duties owing to the State, 349.
418 Eastern mind poetic, 31.
"Eat, drink, and be merry," 358.
Elder brother, the, 329.
Elizabeth, 20, 34.
" song of, 20, 36, 37.
Emmaus, the walk to, 405.
" the, apocalypse, 411.
Eschatology, the, of St. Luke, 352.
Ethics, the, of St. Luke, 336, 351.
Ethical, the, compass, 342.
Evolution, not revolution, 170.
Ewald, 90.
Faith, the secret of victory, 127.
Farrar, Archdeacon, 187, 215.
Fast, the forty days', 110.
Fasting and prayer, 111.
Fatherhood, the, of God, 179.
Forgiveness, the joy of, 217.
" to follow repentance, 346.
Gabriel and the Virgin Mary, 55.
Gethsemane, 191, 284, 296, 364.
"Give ye them to eat," 274.
Giving, 202, 348.
Godet, Professor, 223, 296, 335.
Golden rule, the, 303.
Good tidings to the poor, 136.
" part, the, 312.
Gospel, the, of the Old Testament, 134.
" " " liberty, 142.
Gospels, the four, a unity, 1.
Grave, the, not our goal, 354.
Growth of the kingdom, 251.
Gulf, the great, 363.
Healing, miracles of, 255.
Hearers, not doers, 226.
Heaven in the Old Testament, 178.
" near and real to Jesus, 189.
" and hell, 361.
Hebraisms in St. Luke, 15.
Hermon, Mount, 282.
Herod, king of Judæa, 18.
" the Tetrarch, 270.
" Jesus before, 392.
Herodias, daughter of, 103.
Holy Spirit, full of the, 108.
Home associations, 82.
" and the synagogue, 149.
Hope and despair, 408.
Housebuilders, the, 359.
Humanity and nationality, 5.
Humility, 342.
Hundredfold, the, increase, 239.
Incarnation, the, 48.
Inn, the, of Bethlehem, 76.
" " " Chimham, 77.
Inspiration, the personal element in, 2, 10.
" " work of the Holy Spirit, 12, 13.
Jesus, baptism of, 97.
" returns to Nazareth, 128.
" preaches in the synagogue, 132.
" no pessimist, 136.
" and the Fatherhood of God, 136.
" a Lover of freedom, 143.
" the King, 244.
" " knowledge of, 264.
" " compassion of, 266.
" " power of, 267.
" "offered Himself," 381.
" appears to the eleven, 412.
Jews, the, and the Samaritans, 301.
Joachim and Anna, 53.
John the Baptist, a Nazarite, 25.
" his mission foretold, 81.
" withdraws to the desert, 88.
" his manifestation, 89.
" effect of his ministry, 92.
" secret of his success, 93.
" his wavering faith, 100.
" belongs to the old dispensation, 102.
Joseph, 50.
Judaism and spiritual life, 21.
Judas Iscariot, 378.
Judging others, 339.
Khamasa, the modern Emmaus, 405.
Kingdom, the, of heaven, 241.
" the keys of the, 244.
" the, and its citizens, 245.
" the growth of the, 251.
" the, not of this world, 252.
Lamb, the, of God, 100.
"Larger hope," the, 361.
419 Law, the, exacting, unforgiving, 220.
" of love, the, supreme, 338.
Leaven, the, hid in the meal, 252.
Leper, Jesus touches the, 259.
Life, the, which now is, 336.
Little things, the Divine care for, 278.
Loan, the, of the three loaves, 186.
Loaves, the miracle of the, 269.
Lord's Day, the first, 400.
Losing all, to gain all, 175.
Lost and found, 317.
Love in action and love at rest, 307.
" the all-embracing duty, 338.
" of country, 350.
Loving the sinner, 324.
" our enemies, 343.
Luke, St., and humanity, 4.
" " his Gentile sympathies, 4, 5.
" " his profession, 6, 7.
" " reasons for writing his Gospel, 9.
Magnificat, the, 39.
Malchus, 382.
Mariolatry, 52.
Marriage in the after-life, 355.
Martha of Bethany, 309.
Mary the listener, 310.
" anoints the feet of Jesus, 314.
Miracles, natural and necessary, 148.
Miracle, a, of a new order, 169, 279.
Misery, the, of sin, 333.
Money, the love of, 348, 379.
Moses and Elijah, 286.
Mustard seed, a grain of, 252.
"My soul is exceeding sorrowful," 367.
Nature, the kingdom of, 243.
Nazareth, 37, 50.
Needle's eye, the, 246.
Neighbour, my, 296.
Ninety and nine, the, just persons, 335.
"Numbered among the transgressors," 396.
Nunc Dimittis, 44.
Oaths and curses, 384.
Obedience, in the Christian life, 168.
Obedience to parents, 349.
Order, Heaven's love of, 277.
Orpheus and his lyre, 371.
Papias, 55.
Passover, an extemporised, 280.
" the, 377.
Paternoster, a parabolic, 322.
Peter, the faith of, 167.
Peter's wife's mother, 157.
" denial, 383.
" lack of moral courage, 386.
Pharisee, the, and the publican, 181, 250.
Pharisees, the teaching of the, 200.
" the, reject both Jesus and John, 209.
Philip the evangelist, 247.
Phillips Brooks, 315.
Pilate, Jesus before, 390.
" pleads for Jesus, 393.
" character of, 394.
Pity, the Divine, 276.
Pleasures, the, of life, 238.
" and pains of the after-life, 357.
Poor, the, in spirit, 249.
" " and the proud in spirit, 250.
Prayer and healing, 159.
" character, a condition of, 181.
" the Lord's, 182.
" " wide realm of, 185.
" importunity in, 186.
" habitual with Jesus, 189, 194.
" of Jesus for Simon, 193.
" answered, but not granted, 374.
Pride condemned, 341.
Priest, the, and Levite, 298.
Priesthood, friendly to Jesus, 299.
Principles, evolved but not created, 337.
Prodigal son, the, 321.
Promise, the, of the Father, 414.
Prophets of the old dispensation, 135.
Psalms, the, of the Advent, 33.
" the four, one song, 45.
Quarantania, the, 110.
Receiving and giving, 315.
Regeneration not reform, 337.
420 Religion, little more than form, 149.
Religiousness not always religion, 300.
Religious, the, instinct, 177.
Repentant, Heaven's joy over the, 334.
Resurrection life, the, 285.
Return, the, of the prodigal, 325.
Riches, the pursuit after, 237.
Rich man, the, and Lazarus, 359.
Sabbath, a, in Galilee, 148.
" the, question, 150.
" " and the Lords Day, 415.
Sacrament, the new, 370.
Sacred sites obscure, 68.
Samaritan, the good, 294.
" his thoughtful sympathy, 302.
Sceptre, the departed, 91.
Scriptures, the misread, 410.
Sea, the, is His, 171.
Seed, the way-side, 227.
" the, on the rocks, 230.
" " amid the thorns, 235.
" " in the good ground, 238.
Self-sacrifice, the beauty of, 305.
Servant, the, of the centurion, 196.
Sheep, the lost, 318.
Shepherds, the, and the angels, 69.
" character of the, 73.
Sight for the soul, 306.
Silence, four centuries of, 19.
Simon the Pharisee, 211.
" " " a seeker after truth, 212.
" the Cyrenean, 395.
Sin, confessed, then forgiven, 328.
" the Divine grief over, 330.
" to be rebuked, 345.
Sinners, hope for, 220.
Sisters, the two, 306.
Son, a, with a servant's heart, 330.
Sower, parable of the, 225.
Spices for the embalming, 401.
Spikenard and tears, 216.
Stier, 218.
Sympathy in sorrow, 368.
Synagogue, the, at Capernaum, 151.
Talents, parable of the, 359.
Taxing, the, 62.
Temptation, the, 105.
Testimony, value of personal, 201.
Testing times, 233.
Theophilus, 7.
Thief, the penitent, 397.
Tower, the, of the flock, 68.
Transfiguration, the, 191, 281.
Trial, the mock, 388.
Ulysses and the sirens, 229.
Unclean devil, the, 152.
Unity, the, of the Godhead, 178.
Unjust judge, the, 187.
Unquiet heart, the, 315.
Vacillation, a bar to heavenly citizenship, 246.
Valley, the, of the shadow, 354.
Vindictive feelings disallowed, 344.
Virgin-conception, the, a familiar thought, 50.
Vision, the double, 141.
Voice, the human, and the Divine Word, 201.
Watch, the, in Gethsemane, 364.
Wayside, the, may become fruitful, 230.
Wealth, its place in the new kingdom, 245.
" the true use of, 346.
" " peculiar dangers of, 347.
" to be held in trust, 348.
" consecrated, 348.
Welcome home, the, 328.
Will, submission to the Father's, 375.
Woman, a, of the city, 213.
Words, the, of Jesus, the Word of God, 164.
" Divine, forgotten, 403.
Work and worship, 55, 74.
Worlds beyond the world, 353.
Worship, the heart in, 150.
" counterfeit, 228.
Wrong not to be condoned, 345.
Zacharias, 20.
" in the holy place, 22.
" prayer of, 23.
" the angel's message to, 23.
" asks for a sign, 26.
" and the Benidictus, 28.
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