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[10] Analysis of contents of Bp. Ellicott's pamphlet.

You state at page 6, that what you propose to yourself by your pamphlet, is,—

First, to supply accurate information, in a popular form, concerning the Greek text of the Now Testament:

Secondly, to establish, by means of the information so supplied, the soundness of the principles on which the Revisers have acted in their choice of readings; and by consequence, the importance of the New Greek Text:—[or, as you phrase it at p. 29,]—to enable the reader to form a fair judgment on the question of the trustworthiness of the readings adopted by the Revisers.

To the former of these endeavours you devote twenty-three pages: (viz. p. 7 to p. 29):—to the latter, you devote forty-two; (viz. p. 37 to p. 78). The intervening eight pages are dedicated,—(a) To the constitution of the Revisionist body: and next, (b) To the amount of good faith with which you and your colleagues observed the conditions imposed upon you by the Southern Houses of Convocation. I propose to follow you over the ground in which you have thus entrenched yourself, and to drive you out of every position in turn.

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