Come with your praises, a sacrifice meet, Blending with theirs who adore at His feet; Pour forth your hearts in a glorious song, Praising the Christ, to Whom praises belong. | Ye, who have trod on a burdensome way, Doing life's tasks in the heat of the day; Strong to endure in the conflict of life, Braving the foe in the thick of the strife. | Ye, who have stood when temptation was strong, Doing the right in the face of the wrong, Holding the banner of truth in the breeze, Honoured to bear it, nor careful to please. | Ye, who have walked in the valley of night, Straining the eye for the dawning of light; Weeping the tears that in silence are shed, Burdened with grief for the lost and the dead. | Praise Him for help in the years that are past; Praise Him for grace in the time that shall last; Praise Him for faith to endure to the end, Hope to illumine, and love to befriend. | 110 Glory to God! at the close of the day, Freed from the burden and toil of the way, Angel, archangel, with saint shall unite, Praising the Christ for His love infinite. | |