Dark billows bound across the deep, And threatening clouds the stars conceal, While lightnings flash, and thunders peal, And fearful souls their vigils keep. | O Christ, Thy voice can still the waves That toss my soul on angry sea; The tempest ceased on Galilee, And Thine is still the power that saves. | And Thou art still the Christ Who guides The life that ploughs through storm and strife, And all the battling ills of life, To where thy endless peace abides. | 101 O Gracious Lord, keep calm my soul; And on my course where tempests break, And bounding waves my life o'ertake, The winds and threatening waves control. | And in Thy fair, calm haven, blest, Where storm-tossed lives in quiet repose, Far from the rage of angry foes, Give me, O Christ, eternal rest. | |