
« Prev II: O Jesus Christ, my soul contains Next »



From the Office of Holy Communion

O Jesus Christ, my soul contains

The sweetness of Thy love,

And all its pleasure now obtains

From springs that rise above.

And Thou hast changed my thought of Thee,

And all my heart's desire;

Now make my soul from vileness free

By love's consuming fire.

But how can I, where saints are met,

Make bold to enter in?

I cannot all the past forget

Of wilfulness and sin.


With garments rent, and vile with sin,

Behold me, clothed in shame;

Wilt Thou, O Bridegroom, me attire

That I may bless Thy name?

O Jesus, Who hast filled my soul

With sweetness, let me wear

The wedding robe, all pure and whole,

Where Thy redeemed appear.

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