
« Prev XVII: This be our prayer, O Saviour of our souls Next »



This be our prayer, O Saviour of our souls,

When night is dark, and muttering thunder rolls,

For none but Thee the power of hell controls,--

Have mercy, Lord.

There is no help, if Thou no help wilt bring,

No heavenly messenger on speedy wing;

Hope gilds the morn, if to Thy Cross we cling,--

Have mercy, Lord.


Woeful the threats that flash from Sinai's hill;

Dark are the fears our guilty souls that fill;

Help we have none,--O then of Thy sweet will,

Have mercy, Lord.

Strong is the arm that in our cause was raised;--

Christ, be Thy name to endless ages praised,

Who at the hands of sinners was abased;--

Have mercy, Lord.

Doomed to our death, the God-man bowed the head;

Pierced for our sins, upon the Cross He bled;

Life is His gift Who liveth, and was dead;--

Have mercy, Lord.

Life, and to live amid the bliss beyond,

Where souls beloved to loving souls respond,

Free from all bondage in Thy gentle bond;--

Have mercy, Lord.

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