Awake, arise, and greet the dawning day, See, on the hills, the morning beams are shed; Wipe from your eyes the tears of grief away, For lo, the Christ is risen, Who was dead. | Awake, arise, nor seek the empty tomb, He is not there, Who died by cruel men; But, as the sun that rises from the gloom, He hath arisen, nor sets in night again. | 39 Woeful the day when sin and death assailed, Day died at noon, and hope despairing fled; Long was the night, but morning hath prevailed, Sin is o'erthrown, and death itself is dead. | Awake, arise, and as the angel throng Welcomed the Christ on earth, in weakness born, Break into praise, and with triumphant song Welcome the dawning of a fairer morn. | |