
« Prev X: See, in the darkness, the dawn is awaking Next »



See, in the darkness, the dawn is awaking,

Shafts from the sunrise are piercing the gloom,

Night in her mantle the earth is forsaking,

Heaven gives its glory, and nature her bloom.

Wake from thy slumber, O soul: it is morning;

Rise to the tasks which the morning prepares;

Fair be thy garments, a sunlight adorning,

Fairer than earth in the morning light wears.


Morning or night, if the clouds are depressing,

Sunlight or starlight shut out from the view;

Light of my life! may the calm of Thy blessing

Fall on my soul as the comforting dew.

Light of my soul! where Thy Presence is beaming,

Night cannot come though the clouds may obscure;

Fill Thou my soul, and the dark is but seeming,

Shadows may flit, but Thy light shall endure.

See, in the darkness, the dawn is awaking,--

Soul, it is morning: in worship adore;

Fall at His feet, all the evil forsaking,

Live in the light of the Christ ever more.

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