The rosy-fingered dawn appears, And lo, the sun uprise; His shafts like golden pointed spears Illume the brightening skies;-- Up, soul of mine, in beauty shine, And praise the Lord of Light divine. | Thou hast a task to do this day, Thy God to serve in all; Like morn and noon thy light display, Ere night in darkness fall.-- Up, soul of mine, in beauty shine, And praise the Lord of Light divine. | The rosy morn shall fade away, The sun his course complete; Thy task must end with close of day, When light and darkness greet.-- Up, soul of mine, in beauty shine, And praise the Lord of Light divine. | 2 Eternal light eternal glows, Beyond the realms of time; Where service still to service grows, As suns to noontide climb.-- Up, soul of mine, in beauty shine, And praise the Lord of Light divine. | |