
« Prev IX: I will arise and seek Thy face Next »



I will arise and seek Thy face,

For I have wandered far from Thee;

O Blessed Lord, extend Thy grace,

And in Thy mercy pity me.

Thou knowest my wanderings in the wild,

The longings of my soul that burn;

Wilt Thou not seek Thy erring child,

Who fain from waywardness would turn?

Thou knowest the paths my feet have trod,

And Thou alone canst bring me back;

My hungering soul cries out to God,

Within Whose home there is no lack.

O Jesus, Shepherd of my soul,

Didst Thou not come to seek and find?

To lead the lost by wise control,

And tend with love surpassing kind?

I will arise and seek Thy face;

Yea, Lord, arise and seek Thou me,

And bring me in Thy plenteous grace,

Where I shall safely dwell with Thee.

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