
« Prev IV: Come, ye people, come, adore Him Next »



Deute laoi, thn trisupostaton Qeothta proskunhswmen

Come, ye people, come, adore Him,

God in Holy Trinity;

God the Father, Son, and Spirit,

Ever blessed Unity.

Thine the glory, God Almighty,

To the Son and Spirit given,

Ere upon the world's creation

Dawned the new-born light of heaven.

Holy, holy, we adore Thee,

One in power, in nature one;


God the Father, God the Spirit,

God the Co-Eternal Son.

By the Son the wide creation

Rose where chaos held its sway;

By the Spirit, God Almighty

Swept eternal night away.

Son, the Father's love revealing,

Son, through Whom the Spirit came,

Blessed Godhead! endless glory

Be to Thine exalted name.

« Prev IV: Come, ye people, come, adore Him Next »
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