
« Prev VI: Sleepers awake! the night's long reign is past Next »



Gh de agalliasqw CristoV gar eghgertai

Sleepers awake! the night's long reign is past;

Purple and gold adorn the hills at last;

Songs of delight from myriad hearts arise,

Borne on the wind that bears them to the skies.

Sleepers awake! The Christ from death awakes;

Light from the tomb in radiant beauty breaks;

Song from the heavens to listening earth descends,

Gladness of earth with heavenly gladness blends.

Sleepers awake! to hope immortal spring,

Mount to the heights with never-tiring wing;

Clouds are of earth where linger doubt and fear,

There, in the light, no threatening clouds appear.

Sleepers awake! No time for slumber now,

Day shines from heaven with glory on its brow.

Darkness and night, and clouds are passed away,

Christ is the Light of our eternal day.

Sleepers awake! the night's long reign is past;

Purple and gold adorn the hills at last;

Christ hath arisen. Awake! creation wakes,

Light everlasting on our darkness breaks.

« Prev VI: Sleepers awake! the night's long reign is past Next »
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