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Stichera of The Resurrection
Our evening prayers attend, O Thou that holy art; In mercy full forgiveness send To every contrite heart; 34 For Thou hast risen to set us free, And all mankind rejoice in Thee. | Encompass Zion round, Ye people, tell His fame; Let Resurrection joy abound, And glory to His name; He is our Lord, Who from the grave Arose our sinning souls to save. | With Resurrection lays, Ye people, come adore, And worship Him with grateful praise, Who lives for evermore; He is our God, Who from the grave Arose our sinning souls to save. | Lord, by Thy Passion Thou Sav'st men from passions base, And by Thy Resurrection, now Dost from corruption raise.-- Glory to Thee we humbly bring, O Christ, Who art our heavenly King. | |