
« Prev XI: Thou One-begotten Son Next »



'O monogenhV ¡ioV kai LogoV tou Qeou

From the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Thou One-begotten Son,

Eternal Word adored,

Immortal while the ages run,

And our Almighty Lord.

To bring Salvation nigh,

To vanquish death and sin,

Thou didst in cruel anguish die,

And life for mortals win.

Save us, O Christ, our God,

Save by Thy Cross we pray;

Thou Who didst bear the Father's rod,

And death, by dying, slay.

Thou art the Eternal Son,

One in the glorious Three;

Co-equal praise, Immortal One,

Shall ever rise to Thee.

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