
« Prev XX: Lord of the hills, where earliest dawn appears Next »



Lord of the hills, where earliest dawn appears,

Ere earth and sky the rule of night disown;

Where rise in bright array the gilded spears

That thrust the ebon monarch from his throne;

Lord of the hills! Who art the Lord of Light,

When morning dawns, dispel my inward night.

Lord of the hills, where massive strength abides,

From age to age, broad based, and towering high;

Where thunders roll, and livid lightning glides,

And storms descend from cloud-enmantled sky;

Lord of the hills! Who art the Lord of Strength,

Frail, I would find my power in Thee at length.

Lord of the hills, where hope aspiring wings

Her course to heaven, from peaks that heavenward rise,

Looks down in wonder on the clouds, and sings

Of cloudless realms beyond the farthest skies;

Lord of the hills! with hope my soul inspire,

To leave my earth-bound hopes, and mount to higher.

Lord of the hills! O Christ, Thou art my Light,

My darkened soul like morning to illume;

Lord of the hills! O Christ, Thou art my might,

To vanquish death, and triumph o'er the tomb;

Lord of the hills! my hope when sore distressed,

My soul looks up to Thee, and finds her rest.

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