
« Prev XII: Have pity, Lord, for Thou art great Next »



Pathr oiktirmvn

Have pity, Lord, for Thou art great,

And greatness pity knows;

I mourn my poor and worthless state,

With all its wants and woes.

Have pity, Lord, for Thou art great;--

I would from sin be free,

And seek Thy face, 'though coming late,

For Thou wilt welcome me.

Have pity, Lord, for Thou art great,

And give me strength to win,

That I may gain the heavenly gate

And freely enter in.

Have pity, Lord, for Thou art Love,

And by Thy grace alone,

I hope in Thy pure house above

To serve before Thy throne.

« Prev XII: Have pity, Lord, for Thou art great Next »
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