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με νὺξ ἐδέξατο




O Son of God, on Thee we call,

Blest Jesu, ere the darkness fall,

Come near us in Thy grace;

We own the sins that mar our life,

And stem our efforts in the strife,

And shamed we hide our face.


The morning came, and hope was clear,

And void the soul of doubt and fear;

But ere the noontide shone,

The light was darkened in the sky,

For thickest clouds came rolling nigh,

And all our peace was gone.


And now the night is bringing dread,

For guilt is resting on our head;—

O Christ, our prayers hear,

Who bore our sorrows on the Cross,

Who paid for us our priceless loss,—

And come in mercy near.


Give us to know Thy strength is given

To all who tread the path to heaven—

That we may fail to gain,

And fall to rise, and forward press

In light and dark, in storm and stress

Of fear and doubt and pain.


Give us to know Thy mercies wait

On those who knock at heaven’s gate,

That none can knock in vain;

For He who died for sinful men

Would have them come, and come again,

Nor fainting e’er refrain.

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