tr., John Brownlie
3536 I They cried, “Let Him be crucified!” And surging crowds around Him pressed; With breaking heart, and soul distressed, He bore the cross on which He died. | II They cried, “Let Him be crucified!” And He the well-beloved Son, The Son of God Who should have won The love He never once denied. | III They cried, “Let Him be crucified!” And to the wood His hands were nailed, And mocking words His ears assailed, That God, Who looked from heaven, defied. | IV They cried, “Let Him be crucified!” And when the deed of night was done, The light was blotted from the sun, And hell’s abode exulting, cried. | V They cried, “Let Him be crucified!” Ah, Lord, my soul with anguish burns, As to that cruel cross it turns, For ’twas for me the Saviour died. | |