I Lord, Thou art good and kind, And full of tender grace; Now make Thy countenance to shine, And let me see Thy face. | II For O, my heart is sad, Because my sin I know; And though I strive, I fail, And still ungodly grow. | III And all my aims are lost, And all my striving vain,— Wilt Thou refresh my soul, And visit me again? | IV ’Tis morning when the sun Upon the mountain glows; ’Tis evening when the shade Upon the valleys grows; | V And when Thy face I see, ’Tis morning in my soul; But when Thou turn’st away, The evening shadows roll. | VI And night comes on apace, And all forlorn I sigh;— O, bid the morning dawn, Look on me lest I die. | VII O, Thou art good and kind, And full of tender grace; Now make Thy countenance to shine, And let me see Thy face. | |