83 8,8,8,8
tr., John Brownlie
Ἔργῳ, ὡς πάλαι τοῖς μαθηταῖς ἐπηγγείλω.
84 I Even as Thou saidst, the Spirit came, In fiery tongues of living flame; And men were moved to spread abroad, The Wisdom of th’ Incarnate God. | II And nations heard the truth, and gave Their souls to Him who came to save; And toiling in their sins, arose The power of Satan to oppose. | III Even as Thou saidst; the Spirit’s power Came at the Pentecostal hour, And drooping souls with zeal were fired, And felt the life that power inspired. | IV Even as Thou saidst, the Spirit’s voice Spake to dull hearts, and bade rejoice; And men that dwelt in sorrow’s night, Felt hope awake as morning light. | V Even as Thou saidst; His power can still Our empty lives to fulness fill; Can charge with hope, with zeal inspire, And kindle life, and light, and fire. | VI Even as Thou saidst!—O Spirit, come, Make with Thy people here Thy home; In all their need Thy gifts supply, And Christ our Lord still glorify. | |