
« Prev 99: O, come in early morning Next »


O, come in early morning,

The Saviour's heart is kind;

And they who seek Him early,

Are ever sure to find;

They cannot miss the pathway,

When all around is bright;

They lose the path and stumble,

Who tarry till the night.

Oh, come in early morning,

The dew is on the flower,

There's laughter in the woodland,

And music in the bower;

The world is full of gladness,

And sings the Maker's praise,

There's not a note of sadness,

To mar the matin lays.

Oh, come in early morning,

The sun is climbing high;

And all the world is smiling,

Beneath a cloudless sky;


There's not a piping blackbird,

But sings with lusty glee;

There's not a little lambkin,

But frolics on the lea.

Oh, come in early morning,

It cannot aye be bright,

The night shall fold its curtains,

And hide the joyous light;

And gloom, and grief, and sadness,

Shall be in every song;

Oh, come in early morning,

And serve Him all day long.

Oh, come in early morning,

Oh, come with laughing eye,

Oh, come with pulses bounding,

And hope that's soaring high;

The joy of morn shall linger

Throughout a joyous day,

And in the night the gladness

No gloom shall chase away.

« Prev 99: O, come in early morning Next »
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