
« Prev 54: Spirit of God, in love descend Next »


Spirit of God, in love descend,

And make our hearts Thy place of rest;

In all our need a steadfast Friend,

To fill our store with gifts the best;

To cleanse our souls with holy fire

From sordid stains that guilt imparts,

And with Thy heavenly power inspire

Our languid zeal, and fainting hearts;

To lift our minds to nobler things

Than earth from all its best can show--

The wealth that flies on speedy wings,

The fleeting joys, like sparks that glow.


Come in the hour of sore distress,

When deep the heart for comfort sighs;

And with Thy soothing kindliness

The tear-drops wipe from weeping eyes.

"Lo, I am with you to the end,"

Thus speaks the promise of our Lord;

O Spirit of the Christ, descend,

Fulfil to us the gracious word.

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