
« Prev The gate of life stands wide Next »

tr., John Brownlie

θανάτῳ θάνατον καθήσας.



The gate of life stands wide,

For Christ hath entered in;

Now fearless mount the upward path,

Nor dread the power of sin;

For sin and death were slain

By Him Who rose again.


'Twas on the Cross He died,

And death a victory won,

Short lived as night that flies before

The rising of the sun;—

For death by Christ was slain

Who died to live again.


The might of sin prevailed,—

Its cruel hate and scorn,—

It drove the cruel spear and nails,

And crowned the Christ with thorn;

The spear was broke in twain

By Christ Who rose again.


Up, mortals! life is yours,

The prize is yours to win;

For Christ hath vanquished by His might,

The power of death and sin;

For sin and death were slain

By Christ Who rose again.


To thee, O Christ, be praise,

Whose power decayeth never;

To Father, and to Holy Ghost,

Be laud, and glory, ever;

For death by Christ was slain,

Who died to live again.

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