151 tr., John Brownlie
152 I Eternal Spirit, Lord of grace, Descend, and in each waiting heart, Find a preparéd resting-place, And all Thy sevenfold gifts impart. | II Our sins reveal, our awful blame, Shew in the light Thy truth supplies; And as we feel our guilty shame, Lead to the Cross where Jesus dies. | III To needy souls give rich supplies; Let comfort calm the troubled mind; Give seeing to the sightless eyes; Heal all the sorrows of mankind. | IV Where doubts becloud, or fears distress, Thy peace her healing balm apply; Thy light, the night clouds that oppress, Chase from our dark and threatening sky. | V Our languid souls that lifeless live, Revive anew, O Heavenly Breath; The Holy inspiration give, That saves the drooping soul from death. | |