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Introduction 9
Biographical and Historical 27
Infinite God—
Our highest thoughts of God are vain 55
The morning dawns; on gilded height 59
See, from the eastern hills, the morn 61
Light in the dark, before the dawn awaking 63
Awake! the morn is here 65
The crimson blush of morning glows 67
The morn awakes; from eastern hills 69
All glorious, see, the morning breaks 71
The darkness deepens in the skies 75
Gone is the glowing orb of day 77
O Lord of light, Thy beams display 79
The sun has reached his western goal 81
Advent and Christmas—
The longing eyes that sought the light 85
O Love supreme, exceeding broad 87
A band of herdsmen tarried late 89
Passiontide and Easter—
They set the Cross upon a hill 95
Lo, He is dead! The suffering Christ is dead 97
Morning awakes, and morn awaking sings 99
Life from the dead the King Immortal gives 101
Light more glorious than the sun 103
The gate of life stands wide 105
Go, tell the world the Lord hath risen 107
The stone is rolled away 109
Glory to God, the promised day awakes 111
Light, ere the dawn in beauty broke 113
Watchman, from the height beholding 115
At earliest dawn the Lord awoke 117
Sleepers, awake! the night's long reign is past 119
What wonder wakes the sleeping world 121
Glorious from the field of strife 123
The light that from the fire of love 125
Burdened with sin, more, Lord, than I can tell, 127
He mounts to where the azure shines 133
See the King of kings ascending 135
Now let the gates be lifted up 137
Wrapt in wonder and amaze 139
A love divine, exceeding broad 141
When Jesus at the feast reclined 145
O Spirit, Lord Almighty, Blest 147
O Holy Ghost, eternal Lord 149
Eternal Spirit, Lord of grace 151
O God of grace, Thou Spirit blest 153
O Lord of mercy, at Thy gate 157
When God for judgment sets His throne 160
Watchers, let your lights be burning 162
When the Lord to earth returning 164
Behold the victor host appear 169
The saints of God in yonder realm 171
The saints of God who sufferings bore 173
The chariots of the Lord are strong, 175
Night and a storm, and hearts with sore affright 179
Darkly the tempest swept 181
Lord, give me sight for I am blind 183
O praise the wisdom of our God 185
He climbed the slopes of Olivet 187
"Thou art my portion," saith my soul 189
My soul doth wait on God 191
The burden of my sin was great 193
Bowed with grief and anguish low 195
To praise is comely, O my soul 198
The Lord is very good to those 200
The pity of the Father 202
I have no other thought but this 204
Hear me, O Lord, in mercy hear 206
Open to me the gates of lovingkindness 208
When clouds obscure the rising sun 210
Thou art our Resurrection 215
Vain are the things of time, 218
Lord, rest the child; cut off at morning hour 220
Bear to the font the child of grace 222
A Fount of mercy, Lord, Thou art 224
O God, most good, forget me not 226
Death's dark and moonless night 228
O Light of lights, around my pathway shining 230
Appendix 233
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