What shall I be, my Lord, when I behold Thee In awful majesty at God's right hand, And 'mid th' eternal glories that enfold me, In strange bewilderment, O Lord, I stand? What shall I be?--these tears, they dim my sight, I can not catch the blissful vision right. | What shall I be, Lord, when Thy radiant glory, As from the grave I rise, encircles me; When brightly pictured in the light before me, What eye hath never seen, my eyes shall see? What shall I be? Ah! blessed and sublime Is the dim prospect of that glorious time! | 99 What shall I be, when days of grief are ended, From earthly fetters set for ever free; When from the harps of saints and angels blended, I hear the burst of joyful melody? What shall I be, when, risen from the dead, Sin, death, and hell I never more shall dread? | What shall I be, when all around are thronging The loved of earth, where I have come to dwell; When all is joy and praise--no anxious longing, No bitter parting, and no sad farewell? What shall I be? Ah! how the streaming light Can lend a brightness to this dreary night! | Yes; faith can never know the full salvation, Which Jesus for His people will prepare; Then will I wait in peaceful expectation, Till the Good Shepherd comes to take me there. My Lord, my God, a blissful end I see, Though now I know not what I yet shall be! | |