
Table of Contents

Title Page


The Cloister of Hellfde

Gertrude Von Hackeborn.

The Dark Side of Hellfde.


A word as to the Béguines.

The Great Sorrow.

Matilda and Dante.

The Book and its Origin.

The Journey to Eternal Peace.

The Path of Love.

The Journey through the Wilderness.


Gleanings from Matilda’s Book.

How God is to be Praised for Eight Things.

How God draweth the Soul to Himself.

The Soul’s Desire sent Forth to Seek the Beloved One.

The Complaint of the Loving Soul, and the Answer of God.

How God comes into the Soul.

How the Soul receiveth God, and how God receiveth the Soul.

The Soul’s fivefold Praise of God.

Of the Soul’s Complaint, of the Garden, and of the New Song.

God’s fivefold Comparing of the Soul.

God’s sixfold Delight in the Soul.

Knowledge and Enjoyment.

The Prayer for Love, and the Answer thereof.

Love unto Death; Love Immeasurable; Love Eternal.

God asks the Soul what She brings, and She Answereth.

The Lord giveth a tenfold Honour to the Soul.

Between God and the Soul only Love.

How God maketh the Soul to be Free and Wise in His Love.

Be thou in Suffering a Lamb, a Dove, and a Bride.

Of the Two Golden Chalices of Sorrow and of Comfort.

The Working of Blessed Love.

How God speaks to the Soul in Three Places.

Of False Love.

Matilda’s Faith.

The Echo of the Book.

Matilda’s Last Years.

The Labour of the Lord.

The Prayer of the Longing Heart.


Of the Good Works of Men, how They Shine by the Work of the Lord.

The Soul that Loveth Speaketh to her Lord.

Seven Things known to the Longing of Love.

Of a Sin that is Worse than all Other Sins.

How Love was seen with her Handmaidens—A Parable.

Four Things that Belong to Faith.

From a Friend to a Friend.

Something of Paradise.

The End of the Journey.

The Last Poem.

The Nun Gertrude.

The Voice that for ever Speaks.



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