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Barth, Dogmatik, Prolegomena, Muenchen, 1927 (officially Reformed); id., The Doctrine of the Word of God, New York, 1936.

Bavinck, Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, Kampen, 1906-1911.

Breckenridge, The Knowledge of God, Objectively and Subjectively Considered, New York 1857-1859.

Brunner, Our Faith, New York, 1936.

Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Eerdmans, 1949.

Dabney, Systematic and Polemic Theology, St. Louis, 1878.

Dick, Lectures on Theology, Cincinnati, 1853.

Gerhardt, Institutes of the Christian Religion, New York, 1891-1894.

Heppe, Dogmatik der evangelisch-reformirten Kirche, Elberveld, 1861.

Hodge, Charles, Systematic Theology, New York, 1892.

Hodge, Archibald A., Outlines of Theology, New York, 1878.

Honig, Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, Kampen, 1938.

Kuyper, Dictaten Dogmatiek, Kampen, 1910.

Marck, Godgeleerdheid,Rotterdam, 1741.

Mastricht, Beschouwende en Practicale Godgeleerdheit, Rotterdam,1749.

McPherson, Christian Dogmatics, Edinburgh, 1898.

Orr, Side-Lights on Christian Doctrine, London, 1909.

Perkens,Werken, 1659.

Pictet, Christian Theology, Philadelphia, (no date given)

Shedd, Dogmatic Theology, New York, 1891-1894.

Smith, H. B., System of Christian Theology, New York, 1885.

Synopsis Purioris Theologiae. Leiden, 1881.

Ten Hoor, Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, Holland, Mich.

Thornwell, Collected Writings, Richmond, Va., 1871-1873.

Turretin, Institutio Theologiae, Elenchticae, Edinburgh, 1847.

Vos, Gereformeerde Dogmatiek (mimeographed).

Witsius, Over de Verbonden, Amsterdam, 1716.


Beckwith, Realities of Christian Theology, New York, 1906.

Boyce, Abstract of Systematic Theology. Philadelphia, 1899.

Brown, Christian Theology in Outline, New York, 1906.

Gavin, Orthodox Greek Thought, Milwaukee, 1898.

Clarke, An Outline of Christian Theology, 1898.

Curtis, The Christian Faith, New York, 1905.

Dorner, System of Christian Doctrine, Edinburgh, 1897.

Drummond, Studies in Christian Doctrine, London, 1908.

Foster, Christianity in its Modern Expression, New York, 1921.

Gibbons, Faith of Our Fathers. New York, 1917.

Haering, The Christian Faith, London, 1915.

Kaftan, Dogmatik, Tuebingen, 1920.

Litton, Introduction to Dogmatic Theology, London, 1912.

Macintosh, Theology as an Empirical Science, New York, 1919.

Martensen, Christian Dogmatics, Edinburgh, 1860

Micklem, What is the Faith, Nashville, Tenn.

Miley, Systematic Theology, New York, 1893.

Mortimer, Catholic Faith and Practice, London, 1923.

Mueller, Christian Dogmatics, St. Louis, 1934.

Nitzsch, System of Christian Doctrine, Edinburgh, 1849.

Pieper, Christliche Dogmatik, St. Louis, 1924.

Pohle-Preuss, Dogmatic Theology, St. Louis, 12 volumes from 1925 on.

Pope, Compendium of Christian Theology, London, 1879.

Rauschenbusch, A Theology for the Social Gospel, New York, 1919.

Raymond, Systematic Theology, Cincinnati, 1877.

Schleiermacher, Christlicher Glaube (Glaubenslehre), 1821, 1822.

Schmid, Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, 1889

Sheldon, System of Christian Doctrine, Cincinnati, 1903.

Strong, A. H., Systematic Theology, Philadelphia, 1912.

Strong, T. B., A Manual of Theology, London, 1903.

Thomasius, Christi Person und Work, Erlangen, 1886-1888.

Valentine, Christian Theology, Philadelphia, 1906.

Watson, Theological Institutes, London, 1829.

Wilmers, Handbook of the Christian Religion New York, 1921.



Adeney, The Christian Conception of God, New York.

Baillie, Our Knowledge of God, New York, 1939.

Bartlett, The Triune God-, New York, 1937.

Bates, The Harmony of the Divine Attributes, Philadelphia.

Beckwith, The Idea of God, New York, 1922.

Boettner, The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, Grand Rapids, 1932.

Brightman, The Problem of God, New York, 1930.

Candlish, The Fatherhood of God, Edinburgh, 1866.

Charnock, The Existence and Attributes of God, New York, 1859.

Clarke, The Christian Doctrine of God, New York, 1923.

Cole, Calvin's Calvinism, Manchester, 1927.

Comrie en Holtius, Examen Van Het Ontwerp Van Tolerantie, Amsterdam, 1753

Crawford, The Fatherhood of God. Edinburgh, 1866.

Dijk, Om't Feuwig Welbehagen, Amsterdam, 1924; id., De Voorzienigheid Gods, Amsterdam, 1927.

Farmer, Experience of God, New York, 1929.

Fleming, Evolution or Creation. London.

Flint, Theism, New York, 1895; id., Antitheistic Theories, Edinburgh, 1906.

Girardeau, Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism, Columbia, 1890.

Harris, God the Creator and Lord of All, New York, 1896.

Heim, God Transcendent, New York, 1936.

Hendry, God the Creator, Nashville, 1938.

Illingworth, Divine Immanence, New York, 1898; id., The Doctrine of the Trinity, London, 1907.

Kerr, A God-Centered Faith, New York, 1935.

Kuyper, A., Sr., De Engelen Gods, Amsterdam.

Kuyper, A., Jr., Van de Kennisse Gods, Amsterdam, 1907.

Mathews, The Growth of the Idea of God, New York, 1931.

More, The Dogma of Evolution, Princeton, 1925.

Morton, The Bankruptcy of Evolution, New York.

Mozley, Lectures on Miracles, London, 1886.

Newton, My Idea of God (A Symposium), Boston, 1927.

O'Toole, The Case Against Evolution, New York, 1926.

Otto, The Idea of the Holy, London, 1928.

Pink, The Sovereignty of God, Swengel, Pa., 1918.

Polman, De Praedestinatileer van Augustinus, Thomas van Aquino en Calvijn, Franeker, 1936.

Pringl-Pattison, The Idea of God, London, 1917.

Rimmer, The Theory of Evolution and the Facts of Science, Grand Rapids, 1935.

Robinson, The God of the Liberal Christian, New York, 1926.

Scheibe, Calvins Praedestinationslehre, Halle, 1897.

Shute, The Fatherhood of God, Cincinnati, 1904.

Snowden, The Personality of God, New York, 1920; id., The Discovery of God, New York, 1932.

Steenstra, The Being of God as Unity and Trinity New York, 1891.

Thomas, The Biblical Idea of God, New York, 1924.

Thomson, W. D., The Christian Miracles and the Conclusions of Science, Edinburgh.

Thomson, W. R., The Christian Idea of God, London.

Tolley, The Idea of God in the Philosophy of Saint Augustine New York, 1930.

Warfield, Biblical Doctrines, New York, 1929; id., Calvin and Calvinism, New York, 1931; ibid., Studies in Theology 1932.

Youtz, The Enlarging Conception of God, New York. 1924.

Zanchius, The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination.


Aalders, Het Verbond Gods, Kampen, 1939.

Ball, A Treatise on the Covenant of Grace, London, 1645.

Boston, The Covenant of Works, Works, Aberdeen, 1848-1852; id., The Covenant of Grace, Works, Aberdeen, 1848-1852.

Brunner, Man in Revolt, New York, 1939.

Candlish, The Biblical Doctrine of Sin, Edinburgh, 1893.

Cook, The Origin of Sin, New York, 1899.

Edwards, Freedom of the Will, Works, New York; id., Doctrine of Original Sin Defended, Works, New York.

Fleming, The Origin of Mankind, London, 1935.

Gib, Sacred Contemplations (Covenant of Grace-).

Girardeau, The Will in its Theological Relations, New York, 1891.

Gracey, Sin and the Unfolding Salvation, London, 1894.

Heard, The Tri-Partite Nature of Man, Edinburgh, 1875.

Hendriksen, The Covenant of Grace, Grand Rapids, 1932.

Honig, Creatianisme and Traducianisme, Kampen, 1906.

Kuyper, A., Jr., De Vastigheid des Verbonds, Amsterdam, 1908; id., De Band des Verbonds, Amsterdam, 1907; id., Het Beeld Gods , Amsterdam, 1929.

Kuyper, H. H., Hamabdil (Covenant of Grace ), Amsterdam, 1907.

Laidlaw, The Bible Doctrine of Man, Edinburgh, 1905.

Mackintosh, Christianity and Sin, New York, 1914.

Moxon, The Doctrine of Sin, New York, 1922.

Mueller, The Christian Doctrine of Sin, Edinburgh, 1905.

Niebuhr, Reinhold, The Nature and Destiny of Man, Scribner, 1941.

Olevianus, Het Wezen en de Middelen des Genade-Verbonds, Groningen, 1739.

Orchard, Modern Theories of Sin, 1909.

Orr, God's Image in Man, New York, 1906.

Owen, The Covenant of Grace, Philadelphia, 1862.

Roberts, God's Covenants with Man, London, 1657.

Robinson, The Christian Doctrine of Man, Edinburgh, 1920.

Strong, Discourses on the Covenant, London, 1678.

Talma, De Anthropologie van Calvijn Utrecht, 1882.

Tennant, The Origin and Propagation of Sin, Cambridge, 1906; id.,The Concept of Sin, New York and Cambridge, 1912.

Tulloch, The Christian Doctrine of Sin, New York, 1876.

Van den Bergh, Calvijn over het Genadeverbond, 's Gravenhage, 1879.

Vos, De Verbondsleer in de Gereformeerde Theologie Grand Rapids, 1887.

Weidner, The Doctrine of Man, Chicago, 1912.

Wiggers, Augustinism and Pelagianism, Andover, 1840.


Berkhof, Christ in the Light of Eschatology, Princeton Review, Jan. 1927; id., Vicarious Atonement Through Christ, Grand Rapids, 1936.

Bruce, The Kingdom of God, New York, 1893; id., The Humiliation of Christ, New York, 1901.

Brunner, Der Mitler, (Eng. tr. The Mediator).

Bushnell, Vicarious Sacrifice, New York, 1866.

Candlish, The Kingdom of God, Edinburgh, 1884.

Cave, The Doctrine of the Work of Christ, Nashville, 1937.

Cooke, The Incarnation and Recent Criticism New York, 1907.

Crawford, The Atonement, Edinburgh, 1871.

Dale, The Atonement, London, 1877.

De Jong, De Leer der Verzoening in de Amerikaansche Theologie, Grand Rapids, 1913.

Denney, The Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation New York, 1918.

Emmen, De Christologie van Calvijn, Amsterdam, 1935.

Enelow, A Jewish View of Jesus, New York, 1920.

Franks, A History of the Doctrine of the Work of Christ New York.

Godet, and others, The Atonement in Modern Religious Thought (A Symposium), New York, 1902.

Hodge, The Atonement, Philadelphia, 1867.

Honig, De Persoon des Middelaars in de Nieuwere Duitsche Theologie ,Kampen, 1910.

Hughes, The Kingdom of Heaven, New York, 1922.

Kuyper, A., Sr., De Vleeschwording des Woords, Franeker, 1887.

Kuyper, A., Jr., De Middelaar Gods en der Menschen, Kampen, 1923.

Liddon, The Divinity of our Lord, London, 1888.

Macinnes, The Kingdom of God in the Apostolic Writings, London, 1924.

Machen, The Virgin Birth of Christ, New York, 1930; id., The Christian View of Man, New York, 1937.

Mackintosh, The Doctrine of the Person of Christ, New York, 1912.

Meeter, The Heavenly High Priesthood of Christ, Grand Rapids.

Milligan, The Ascension and Heavenly Priesthood of Our Lord, London, 1892;id., The Resurrection of our Lord, New York, 1917.

Mozley, The Doctrine of the Atonement, New York, 1916.

Orr, The Virgin Birth of Christ, New York, 1914; id., The Resurrection of Jesus, New York.

Ottley, The Doctrine of the Incarnation, London.

Otto, The Kingdom of God and the Son of Man.

Relton, A Study in Christology, London, 1917.

Ritschl, Die Christliche Lehre der Rechtfertigung und Versoehnung, Bonn, 1895-1903.

Robertson, Regnum Dei, New York, 1901.

Robinson, Our Lord, Grand Rapids, 1937.

Rostron, The Christology of St. Paul, New York, 1912.

Sanday, Christologies Ancient and Modern, New York, 1910.

Scott, The Kingdom and the Messiah, Edinburgh, 1911.

Smith, D., The Atonement in the Light of History and the Modern Spirit New York.

Stafford, A Study of the Kingdom, Nashville, 1925.

Stevens, The Christian Doctrine of Salvation, New York, 1905.

Stevenson, Treatise on the Offices of Christ, Edinburgh, 1845.

Sweet, The Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ, Philadelphia, 1906.

Swete, The Ascended Christ, London, 1910.

Symington, The Atonement and Intercession of Jesus Christ, New York, 1858.

Tait, The Heavenly Session of Our Lord, London, 1912.

Ullmann, The Sinlessness of Jesus, Edinburgh, 1901.

Vos, The Kingdom and the Church, New York, 1903; id., The Self-Disclosure of Jesus, New York, 1926; id., New Testament Theology (mimeographed).

Warfield, Christology and Criticism, New York, 1929.

Wood, H. G., and others, The Kingdom of God in History (A Symposium), New York, 1938.


Ames, The Psychology of Religious Experience New York, 1910.

Bavinck, Roeping en Wedergeboorte, Kampen, 1903; id., De Zekerheid des Geloofs, Kampen, 1901; ibid., Algemeene Genade, Kampen, 1894.

Berkhof, The Assurance of Faith, Grand Rapids, 1928.

Brinkman, De Gerechtigheid Gods bij Paulus, Rotterdam,1916.

Broomall, The Holy Spirit, New York, 1940.

Buchanan, The Doctrine of Justification, Edinburgh,1867.

Camfield, Revelation and the Holy Spirit, New York, 1934.

Candlish, The Work of the Holy Spirit, Edinburgh.

Comrie, Heidelbergsche Catechismus, Zondagen 1-7 [Faith], Amsterdam, 1753; id., Het A B C des Geloofs-, Sneek, 1860.

Davies, Treatise on Justification, Cincinnati, 1875.

Dee, Het Geloofsbegrip van Calvijn, Kampen, 1918.

Firey, Infant Salvation, New York, 1902.

Flew, The Idea of Perfection in Christian Theology London, 1934.

Gennrich, Die Lehre von der Wiedergeburt, Leipzig, 1907.

Girardeau, Discussion of Theological Questions [Adoption], Richmond, Va., 1905; id., Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism [Justification], Columbia, S. C., 1890.

Gore, The Holy Spirit and the Church, New York, 1924.

Gunkel, Die Wirkungen des Heiligen Geistes, Goettingen,1899.

Hoffmann, Die Lehre von der Fides Implicita, Leipzig, 1903.

Hoyle, The Holy Spirit in St. Paul, London, 1927.

Impeta, De Leer der Heiliging en Volmaking bij Wesley en Fletcher, Leiden, 1913.

Inge, Faith and Its Psychology, New York, 1910.

James, Varieties of Religious Experience, New York, 1902.

Kerswill, The Old Testament Doctrine of Salvation, Philadelphia,1904.

Koeberle, The Quest for Holiness, New York, 1936.

Kuiper, H., Calvin on Common Grace, Goes, 1928.

Kuyper, A., Sr., Het Werk van den Heiligen Geest, Amsterdam, 1888; id., De Gemeene Gratie, Leiden, 1902; id., Uit het Woord, lste Serie, III, Amsterdam.

Kuyper, A., Jr., De Band des Verbonds, Amsterdam, 1907.

Machen, What Is Faith? New York, 1915.

Moffatt, Grace in the New Testament, New York, 1932.

O'Brien, The Nature and Effects of Faith, London, 1863.

Owen, On Justification, Philadelphia, 1862; id., A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit, London, 1852.

Redlich, The Forgiveness of Sins, Edinburgh, 1937.

Robinson, H. W., The Christian Experience of the Holy Spirit, New York,1928.

Smeaton, The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Edinburgh,1889.

Snowden, The Psychology of Religion, New York, 1916.

Stagg, Calvin, Twisse and Edwards on Universal Salvation of Infants Richmond, Va., 1902.

Starbuck, The Psychology of Religion, New York, 1911.

Steven, The Psychology of the Christian Soul, New York, 1911.

Swete, The Forgiveness of Sins, London, 1917; id., The Holy Spirit in the New Testament, London,1919.

Walden, The Great Meaning of Metanoia, New York, 1896.

Warfield, The Plan of Salvation, Grand Rapids, 1935; id., Biblical Doctrines, New York, 1929.

Webb, The Theology of Infant Salvation, Richmond, Va., 1907.

Wernecke, " Faith" in the New Testament, Grand Rapids, 1934.

Wiersinga, Gods Werk in Ons, Kampen.


Armstrong, The Doctrine of Baptisms, New York,1857.

Ayres, Christian Baptism [dealing with mode], London.

Bannerman, The Church of Christ, Edinburgh, 1868.

Barth, The Church and the Churches, Grand Rapids,1936.

Biesterveld, Van Lonkhuizen en Rudolph, Het Diaconaat Hilversum, 1907.

Binnie, The Church, Edinburgh.

Bouwman, Gereformeerd Kerkrecht, Kampen, 1928; id., De Kerkelijke Tucht, Kampen, 1912; id., Het Ambt der Diakenen, Kampen, 1907.

Campbell, Christian Baptism, St. Louis, 1882.

Carson, Baptism in its Mode and Subjects, London, 1884.

Diermanse, De Uitverkoren Kinderen Wedergeboren, Eisch des Verbonds? Eisch des Doops? Den Haag, 1906, 1907; id., Verbond en Kerk, Woord en Doop, Kampen, 1909; id., De Beschouwing der Kerkleden, 's Gravenhage, 1913; id., De Onderstelling, Den Haag, 1931.

Dimock, The Doctrine of the Sacraments, London, 1908.

Ebrard, Das Dogma vom Heiligen Abendmahl, Frankfurt, 1845.

Goode, The Doctrine of the Church of England as to the Effects of Baptism in the Case of Infants, London, 1850.

Gore, The Holy Spirit and the Church, New York, 1924.

Hatch, The Organisation of the Early Christian Churches Oxford, 1881.

Hebert, The Lord's Supper: Uninspired Teaching, London, 1879.

Heyns, Kybernetiek (mimeographed) ; id., Handbook for Elders and Deacons, Grand Rapids, 1928.

Hibbard, Christian Baptism, New York, 1842.

Hodge, Church Polity, New York, 1878.

Hort, The Christian Ecclesia, London, 1898.

Jansen, De Kerkenordening, Van de Diensten Nijverdal, 1917; id., De Kerkelijke Tucht, Arnhem, 1913; id., Korte Verklaring Van de Kerkenorde, Kampen, 1923.

Kramer, Het Verband van Doop en Wedergeboorte Breukelen, 1897.

Kuyper, A., Sr., Tractaat van de Reformatie der Kerken, Amsterdam, 1884.

Lambert, The Sacraments in the New Testament, Edinburgh, 1903.

Lilley, Sacraments-, New York, 1929.

Lindsay, The Church and the Ministry in the Early Centuries New York.

Mathews, The Church and the Changing Order, New York, 1907.

McPherson, Presbyterianism, Edinburgh; id., The Doctrine of the Church in Scottish Theology, Edinburgh, 1903.

McGill, Church Government, Philadelphia, 1888.

Miller, Warrant, Nature, and Duties of the Office of the Ruling Elder, Philadelphia, 1832.

Olthuis, De Doopspraktijk der Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, Utrecht, 1908.

Schaff, Church and State in the United States New York, 1888.

Schenck, The Presbyterian Doctrine of Children in the Covenant, New Haven, 1940.

Seiss, The Baptist System Examined, Philadelphia, 1907.

Sillevis Smit, De Organisatie van de Christelijke Kerk, Rotterdam, 1910.

Steen, De Kerk, Kampen, 1936.

Ten Hoor, Afscheiding en Doleantie, Leiden, 1880; id., Afscheiding of Doleantie, Leiden, 1891.

Van Dyke, The Church, Her Ministry and Sacraments, Philadelphia, 1903.

Visser 't Hooft and Oldham, The Church and Its Function in Society, New York, 1937.

Voetius, Verhandeling over de Zichtbare en Georganiseerde Kerk Kampen, 1902; id., Politica Ecclesiastica, 1663-1676.

Wall, History of Infant Baptism, Oxford, 1836.

White, Why Infants are Baptized, Philadelphia,1900.

Wilson, Infant Baptism, London, 1848.

Wilson, Wm., Free Church Principles, Edinburgh, 1887.


Addison, Life After Death in the Beliefs of Mankind, Boston, 1932.

Aalders, Het Herstel van Israel Volgens het Oude Testament, Kampen.

Althaus, Die Letzten Dinge, Guetersloh, 1926. Beet, The Last Things, London, 1905.

Berkhof, Premillennialisme, Grand Rapids, 1919.

Berkhoff, De Wederkomst van Christus, Kampen, 1926; id., De Christus Regeering, Kampen, 1929.

Berg, The Second Advent of Jesus, Not Premillennial, Philadelphia, 1859.

Brookes, Maranatha, or the Lord Cometh, New York, 1889.

Brown, Ch., The Hope of His Coming, Anderson, 1927. Brown, D., The Second Advent, Edinburgh, 1867.

Brown, W. A., The Christian Hope, New York, 1919.

Bultema, Maranatha, Grand Rapids, 1917.

Case, The Millennial Hope, Chicago, 1916.

Dahle, Life After Death, Edinburgh, 1896.

De Bondt, Wat Leert het Oude Testament Aangaande het Leven na Dit Leven, Kampen, 1938

De Jong, De Komende Christus, Grand Rapids, 1920.

Doekes, De Beteekenis van Israels Val, Nijverdal, 1915.

Dijk, Het Rijk der Duizend Jaren, Kampen.

Eaton, The Millennial Dawn Heresy, Cincinnati, 1911.

Eckman, When Christ Comes Again, Cincinnati,1917.

Frost, The Second Coming of Christ, Grand Rapids,1934.

Grosheide, De Verwachting der Toekomst van Jezus Christus, Amsterdam,1907.

Heagle, Do the Dead Still Live? Philadelphia, 1920.

Hendriksen, More than Conquerers, Grand Rapids, 1940.

Hepp, De Antichrist, Kampen, 1919.

Hoekstra, Het Chiliasme, Kampen, 1903.

Hovey, Eschatology, Philadelphia, 1888.

James, A. J., Personal Immortality, London, 1922.

King, Future Retribution, New York, 1901.

Kliefoth, Christliche Eschatologie, Leipzig, 1886.

Kuyper, Van de Voleinding, Kampen, 1929-1931. Translation of fourth volume by J. H. De Vries, Grand Rapids, 1935, entitled: The Revelation of St. John.

Lamont, Issues of Immortality, New York, 1932.

Lawton, The Drama of Life After Death, New York, 1932.

Love, Future Probation Examined, New York, 1888.

Mackintosh, Immortality and the Future, New York, 1917.

Mauro, God's Present Kingdom, New York, 1919; id., The Gospel of the Kingdom, Boston, 1928; id., The Hope of Israel, What Is It? Boston, 1929.

McCown, The Promise of His Coming, New York, 1921.

Merrill, Second Coming of Christ, Cincinnati, 1879.

Milligan, The Resurrecton of the Dead, Edinburgh, 1894.

Morris, Is There Salvation After Death? New York, 1887.

Peters, The Theocratic Kingdom, New York, 1884.

Pieters, Fairbairn Versus Fairbairn, Grand Rapids, 1930.

Rall, Modern Premillennialism and the Christian Hope Cincinnati, 1920.

Randall, The New Light on Immortality, New York, 1920.

Reese, The Approaching Advent of Christ London, 1937.

Riley, The Evolution of the Kingdom, New York, 1913.

Rimmer, The Evidences for Immortality, Grand Rapids, 1935.

Rutgers, Premillennialism in America, Goes, 1930.

Salmond, Christian Doctrine of Immortality, Edinburgh, 1907.

Shedd, Doctrine of Endless Punishment, New York,1886.

Silver, The Lord's Return, New York, 1914.

Snowden, The Coming of the Lord, New York, 1919.

Swedenborg, Heaven and its Wonders and Hell, Philadelphia, 1894.

Van Leeuwen, De Parousie-Verwachting in het Nieuwe Testament, Utrecht, 1898.

Vos, The Pauline Eschatology, Princeton, 1930.

Waldegrave, New Testament Millenarianism, London, 1855.

Wyngaarden, The Future of the Kingdom, 1934.

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