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The Roman Numerals indicate, respectively, the Four Books; the first Arabic numeral which follows, designates, in every case, the Chapter; the second, with any that may follow, refers to one or more Sections of a chapter. The references to the Introduction, the Prefaces, the two Parts of Book IV., etc., will be readily understood.
Abraham—an example of patience, II. 47. 16.
—— the time when the promise was given to him, I. 12. 7.
Absolution from sin, I. 21. 13.
Agricola, Introd. § 15.
Adam—his fall, I. Chap. 2; II. 17. 9; II. 34. Sect. 4. 1.
Adam and Christ, contrasted, II. 7. 1-6.
Affliction—its uses, II. 5. 3; II. 35. 5.
—— none for which God has not provided consolation, II. Chap. 48.
Ahab—his delusion, I. 38. 13.
Anger of God—what is meant by the expression, II. 42. 11.
Antinomistic Controversy, Introd. § 15.
Apology of Augsburg Confession, Introd. § 25.
Apostasy—when man is guilty of it, II. 23. 4.
Arndt—account of his life, Introd. § 1, etc.
—— his motives in writing the “True Christianity,” Pref. to Book I. 1; Introd. §§ 20, 21, 24, 31.
—— his orthodoxy, Introd. §§ 22, 24, 25, 40.
—— his religious character, Introd. § 26.
—— popularity of his “True Christianity,” Introd. § 31.
—— translations of it, Introd. § 33, and Note.
—— his death, Introd. § 22.
Ascension of Christ (see Christ, etc.), II. XXV. 11.
Aspirations of the believer, I. 11. 11.
Augsburg, Confession of—Conclusion of Book II., p. 374.
——, Introd. §§ 24, 25.
——, Pref. to Book I. 8.
Augsburg Interim, Introd. §§ 12, 15.
Augsburg, Peace of, Introd. § 12.
Augustine—quoted, III. 6. 2.
Babylas, II. 45. 8.
Baptism—a means to attain the new birth, I. 3. 12.
—— a renewal of the covenant with God, II. 2. 6.
—— what is received therein, III. 1. 4.
Believing Soul, a—its beauty, III. 4. 2.
Birth (see New Birth; Regeneration)—twofold, I. 3. 2, etc.
Blessedness of the true believer, I. 8. 7; I. 11. 10; I. 12. 5; I. 13. 6; I. 22. 10; I. 34. 17; I. 36. 7.
Boehm, Introd. §§ 32, 34, 35.
Bonaventura—a saying of his, II. 6. 6.
Book of life, I. 11. 1.
Bread, IV. Part I., Chap. 3. 14. 35-39.
Cæsar, Julius, I. 27. 5.
Calling of God—inward, III. 8. 3.
—— outward, III. 8. 1.
Calumny—consolations, II. 17. 4, etc.
—— consolatory Scripture passages, II. 17. 13, etc.
—— how to be overcome, II. Ch. 17.
—— why the Lord permits it, II. 17. 9.
Catechism, Five Parts of Luther's, III. 1. 4.
Catechisms, Luther's Two, Introd. § 25.
Chaddock, Rev. C., Introd. § 36.
Charity (see Love, etc.)—the foundation of strength, IV. Part 2, Ch. 26.
Christ (see Ascension; Death; Incarnation; Merit; Resurrection, etc.)—all recovered in him, that was lost in Adam, II. 34., Sect. I.
—— denied and crucified again, I. 9. 1, etc.
—— encouragements derived from his sufferings, II. 18. 9; II. 45. 5.
—— furnishes a pattern of prayer, II. 20. 10.
—— his complaint, continued, II. 15. 1-6.
—— his humiliation, II. 13. 5, etc.; Ch. 14.
—— his humility, and its lessons, II. 12. 3.
—— his kindness, II. 8. 8; II. Ch. 26.
—— his life, a mirror for us, II. 11. 3; II. 14. 3.
—— his patience, the consideration of which alleviates the burden of the cross, II. Ch. 56.
—— his perfect obedience, II. 19. 1.
—— his Person is indivisible, II. 10. 15.
—— his poverty, II. 13. 2, etc.; II. 14. 1, etc.
—— his righteousness, III. 1. 4.
—— his sufferings, foreknown to him, II. 18. 2.
—— his three kinds of trouble, II. 15. 3.
—— how he humbled himself, II. 13. 8, etc.
—— how he perfects his work in the hearts of the faithful, III. Ch. 15.
—— how he manifests himself to the soul, II. Ch. 27.
—— our example, I. 1. 7; I. 3. 10; I. 11. 2; I. 15. 6; I. 37. 11; I. 39. 7; II. 13. 1; II. 44. 8.
—— our help in prayer, II. 38. 2.
—— teaches us how to bear the cross, II. 15. 1, etc.
—— the image of God, I. 1. 7.
—— the only Head of the Church, II. 16. 7.
—— the only Saviour, I. 12. 2.
—— the true Book of Life, II. Ch. 13; II. 19, 1-9.
—— the two Natures of, in one Person, II. 6. 1; II. 52. 2.
—— the union of the two Natures of, indissoluble and eternal, II. 6. 2.
—— washing the feet of his disciples, II. 21. 3.
Christ, what an excellent gift he is, II. 1. 5. (a)—(b).
—— what he is to the soul, II. 1. 4, (b); III. 6. 3.
—— wherein his highest glory consisted, II. 16. 3, etc.
—— why he took upon himself our nature, I. 3. 6; I. 11. 9.
—— why his sufferings were so severe, II. 18. 2-8.
Christ Crucified—benefits of the contemplation of, II. 20. 15.
—— what he teaches us, II. 19. 2, etc.
Christian, The—a stranger and pilgrim, I. 17. 4, 7.
—— demonstrated by practising the word of God, II. 5. 4, 5.
—— his manner of using temporal things, I. 17. 5.
—— is anointed and baptized with the Holy Spirit, II. 35. 2.
—— the false, condemned, I. 7. 4.
—— value of the name, II. 11. 2.
Christianity—wherein it consists, Pref. to Book I. 5; I. 39. 7.
Cities of Refuge, I. 21. 15, 16.
Comfort, Heavenly—how to taste it, I. 36. 13.
—— why God sometimes delays to afford it, II. Ch. 55.
Commandments, Ten—a test, II. 4. 3.
Conclusion of Book II. page 374.
—— of Book IV. page 488.
Conscience—pangs of, II. 10. 9.
—— three qualities impressed on it, I. 7. 1.
—— see also I. 23. 9; IV. Part 2. 35. 1.
Consolation—in affliction, II. Ch. 48.
—— means of obtaining it, II. 48. 10, etc.
Contempt of the world—how to bear it, II. 15. 7-16.
Conversation of a believing soul with God, II. Ch. 39; II. 48. 13.
Conversation between faith and the mercy of God, II. Ch. 40.
Conversion (see Repentance, etc.)—pardon bestowed after it, I. 37. 21.
—— a work of divine grace, II. 9. 9.
Corruption of human nature (see Original Sin)—early and later manifestations, I. 2. 5, 6.
—— its ultimate result, I. 2. 10.
—— its greatness, I. 8. 8; I. 11. 5, etc.
—— the knowledge of the, I. 42. 3.
Covenant of grace—a source of consolation, II. 2. 6.
—— the remembrance of the, a help in prayer, II. 38. 11.
Covetousness—its folly, I. 17. 7.
Creation—work of the First Day of, IV. Part I. Ch. 1.
—— work of the Second Day of, IV. Part I. Ch. 2.
—— work of the Third Day of, IV. Part I. Ch. 3.
—— work of the Fourth Day of, IV. Part I. Ch. 4.
—— work of the Fifth Day of, IV. Part I. Ch. 5.
—— work of the Sixth Day of, IV. Part I. Ch. 6.
Creatures of God—how they furnish evidence of divine love, II. 26. 7, etc.; II. 29. 5, etc.
—— how they invite us to praise God, II. 42. 14.
—— when converted into idols, I. 18. 9.
Creatures, The living—all remind us of the love which we owe to God, IV. Part II. Ch. 15.
—— the work of the Sixth Day, IV. Part I. Ch. 6.
Cross, The—how to bear it, I. 40. V.
—— taking it up, II, 10. 4.
—— the benefits of it, II. 46, 15.
—— the mystery of it, III. Ch. 23.
Cross of Christ—I. 4. 4-6; I. 15. 8.
—— a branch of it, II. 18. 1.
Cryptocalvinistic Controversy, Introd. § 15.
Cyprian—quoted, Pref. to Book III. 5.
Darkness, Spiritual, I. 11. 3.
David, King, I. 17. 11.
—— his example, II. 5. 2.
—— reason of his desire to lead a holy life, II. 5. 6.
Death, II. 8. 11; II. 57. 20, etc.
—— consolations, and remedies against the fear of, II. Ch. 57.
—— persons raised from, II. 57. 8.
—— Spiritual, I. 41. 11, 12.
—— three kinds of, I. 12. 2.
—— why the time of it is concealed from us, II. 8. 11.
Death of Christ (see Christ), II. 2. 7; II. 25. 9; II. 26. 3; II. 57. 2.
Devil; see Satan.
Dependence on self—a grievous sin, II. 23. 2, etc.
Depravity, Human; see Corruption; Original Sin.
Despair, I. 40. VIII.
Devotions, Private, III. Ch. 12.
Dionysius, St.—quoted, IV. Part I. 1. 6.
Doctrine of Christ, II. 25. 8.
Doctrine, Purity of—declared by Arndt to be “the foremost point of true Christianity,” Introd. § 24.
—— how preserved, I. 38. 11; I. 39. 1, etc.
—— its necessity, I. 39. 3.
—— maintained by Paul and others, I. 39. 2.
—— the example of Christ, of the prophets, and of the apostles in this respect, I. 39. 4.
Duty to our neighbor (see Love), I. 31. 4.
Dying—daily, to the world, II. 10. 14.
—— to the flesh and sin, I. 12. 8, etc.
—— unto self, I. 13. 1, etc.
Eating of Christ, The—what it is, I. 36, 10.
Eisleben, Introd. § 22.
Election of grace, I. 38. 6, 7.
Enemies—how to be treated, I. 40. X.
Enlightened, To be, I. 37. 3.
—— when impossible, I. 37. 7-9.
Envy, I. 40. XI.
Eternity of future punishments, I. 7. 5; II. 8. 13.
Example of Christ (see Christ; Saints)—advantage of following it, I. 38. 9.
Examples—of Moses and David, in praising God, II. 41. 12.
—— of pardoned sinners, II. 2. 10.
—— of persons raised from death, II. 57. 8.
Existence of God—taught by the conscience, I. 7. 2.
Exorcism, Introd. §§ 6-8.
Exposition of the consolation given in 1 Cor. 1:3-7—II. Ch. 48.
Faith—as distinguished from hope, II. 50. 1.
—— a weak faith, I. 5. 9.
—— a weak faith is, nevertheless, faith, II. 51. 9, etc.
—— by it, the soul is united to Christ, III. 3. 3.
Faith, comfort for those who are weak in, II. Ch. 51.
—— examples confirming it, I. 13. 3-5.
—— gives quietness to the soul, II. 34. Sect. 7. 2.
—— it renews the whole man, III. 3. 7.
—— its glory, III. 3. 6.
—— its influence, I. 5. 2; I. 5. 9; I. 6. 6; I. 11. 4; I. 39. 10; I. 5. 9; II. 4. 1.
—— its purifying influence, III. Ch. 9.
—— its strength varies, II. 51. 10.
—— its victory, III. 3. 5, 9.
—— means for strengthening it, II. 51. 16.
—— the source of all the Christian virtues, Pref. to Book I. 6. 7.
—— the true source of religion, II. 4. 6.
—— the true way of obtaining the believer's inward treasure, III. 2. 1, etc.
—— the work of God, I. 34. 14; II. 51. 2, 15.
—— what it is, I. 5. 1; I. 21. 9; I. 34. 12.
—— working by love, I. 24. 12; I. 32. 1.
Fall of Adam—how it was occasioned, I. 2. 2.
—— its consequences, I. 2. 1, 3, 4.
Fasting, II. 9. 15, etc.
Fedderson, Introd. § 36.
Flesh—its conflict with the Spirit, I. 16. 2, etc.
Flourishing like a palm tree—explained, I. 22. 4.
Following Christ—I. 37. 14.
—— the sum of Christianity, I. 18. 2.
Formula of Concord, Introd. §§ 15, 24, 25; Pref. to Book I. 8; Conclusion of Book II. p. 374.
Fruits—the marks of true and false Christians, I. 39. 9.
Future punishments, Eternity of, I. 7. 5.
Glorification of our bodies, II. 57. 13.
Glory, Eternal—the consideration of it alleviates the burden of the cross, II. 56. 3, etc.
God (see Love to)—all things preserved by his hand, IV. Part II. Ch. 20.
—— as infinite Omnipotence, II. Ch. 31; IV. Part I. Ch. 6. 14.
—— described by the prophet Joel, II. 9. 22-27.
—— his calling is earnest and decisive, III. Ch. 8.
—— his goodness or grace, II. 37. 5; IV. Part I. Ch. 6. 13.
God, his incomparable glory, II. 42. 16.
—— his infinity and eternity, IV. Part. II. Ch. 1.
—— his knowledge, IV. Part I. Ch. 6. 13.
—— his love a help in prayer, II. 38. 9.
—— his love appears in all his works, IV. Part II. Ch. 13.
—— his mercy, II. 8. 7.
—— his omnipresence, IV. Part I. Ch. 6. 15.
—— his omniscience, II. 34. Sect. 6; IV. Part II. 1. 3.
—— his seat in the soul, III. Ch. 6.
—— his veracity, II. 57. 5.
—— his wisdom, shown in the formation of man, IV. Part II. Ch. 10.
—— how illustrious, II. 42. 11.
—— how manifested, II. 37. 8.
—— invites all men to pray, II. 34. Sect. 8.
—— is love, II. Ch. 26.
—— manifestations of his wisdom, II. Ch. 33.
—— manifested as the Supreme Beauty, II. Ch. 30.
—— must be distinguished from his creatures and his gifts, III. Ch. 21; III. 22. 3.
—— not to be sought in any particular place, for he is everywhere, II. 34. Sect. 8.
—— operations of his righteousness, II. 32. 3, etc.
—— reasons, convincing us that he hears our prayers, II. 37. 12, etc.
—— the amiableness of his Being, II. 26. 10.
—— the eternal Wisdom, II. Ch. 33.
—— the folly of rejecting him, I. 36. 18.
—— the fountain of life and all good, II. 37. 4.
—— the highest righteousness and holiness, II. Ch. 32.
—— the light of the soul, III. Ch. 11.
—— the Omniscient, knows what we need before we ask him, II. 34. Sect. 6.
—— the only source of true happiness, I. 36. 9.
—— the Supreme Good, II. Ch. 28; IV. Part II. Ch. 2.
—— the temporal and spiritual benefits which he has bestowed, considered, II. Ch. 29.
—— what he is, I. 1. 6; I. 37. 2.
Godliness—two motives recommending the study of it, I. 40. 1.
Godly Sorrow (see Sorrow for Sin), I. 8. 7; I. 11. 4; I. 20. 20.
Grace—indispensable, I. 41. 28; II. 9. 11.
—— its influence and blessed results, I. 34. 7, etc.
495Gregory, St.—quoted, III. 15. 2.
Growing in grace, I. 23. 4; I. 37. 19.
Hardness of heart, I. 38. 3, etc.
Hatred—of self, I. 14. 1; I. 14. 14.
—— of vices, but not of men, I. 40. XII.
Heart, Paternal, of God, II. 8. 5.
Heart, Purity of—watching over it, I. 40. II.
Heart, Blindness of—its results, I. 41. 19.
Heart—its state, II. 4. 3; II. 7. 5.
—— must be changed, II. 9. 13.
—— regarded by God, II. 4. 4.
Hell, Eternal pains of, I. 7. 5; II. 8. 13.
Heaven, the work of the Second Day, IV. Part I. Ch. 2.
Holy Spirit—how he is driven away by worldly pleasures, III. Ch. 18.
—— how he operates in our souls, III. Ch. 16.
—— office of the, II. 35. 4.
—— our help in prayer, II. 38. 3.
—— signs of his presence in us, III. Ch. 17.
—— truly God, II. 37. 21.
Hope—Christ its object, II. 12. 2; II. 50. 8.
—— how tested in seasons of affliction, II. Ch. 50.
—— what it is, II. 50. 1. Honor, Worldly—how to be received, II. 22. 7, 8.
Human nature—one argument of its dignity, IV. Part I. Ch. 6. 19.
Humility (see Pride)—a means of union with God, III. 5. 1.
—— exemplified by Jesus, II. 21. 3.
—— explained; its happy influence, etc., I. 19. 1-16.
—— how we are taught to practise it, II. 21. 2.
—— it must be laid as a foundation in the heart, III. Ch. 20.
—— its necessity, III. 15. 4, 5.
—— its power, II. Ch. 21.
—— six steps or degrees of it, III. 5. 2.
—— what constitutes it, III. 8. 2.
—— without it, all prayer is in vain, II. 21. 4.
Hypocrisy, I. 12. 11.
Idolatry, II. 22. 3-6.
Ignatius, II. 45. 8.
Image of God in man—how man lost it, I. 1. 8; I. 41. 11.
Image of God,—originally shone forth in man's soul, I. 41. 7.
—— the different modes in which it appears in man, I. 1. 4.
—— what it is, I. 1. 1; I. 41. 10.
—— what it was intended to teach, I. 1. 5, 9.
—— why it was impressed on man, I. 1. 2.
Image of Satan, I. 41. 23.
Imputation (see Merit)—of the merit of Christ, I. 8. 17.
—— of the righteousness of Christ, I. 4. 7.
Inability of man, I. 34. 2, 7; II. 6. 4, 8.
Incarnation of Christ (see Christ, etc.), I. 11. 9; I. 31. 9; I. 34. 4; I. 37. 11; II. 25. 7; II. 26. 2; II. 34. 2; IV. Part II. Ch. 5. 2.
Indwelling of Christ in man, I. 5. 9.
Inheritance from Adam, I. 3. 5.
Injuries—viewed as trials of the heart, I. 40. IX.
Interim, Augsburg, Introd. §§ 12, 15.
Jacques, Introd. §§ 32, 37, 38.
Joy—divine and worldly, incompatible with one another, I. 20. 11.
—— Divine, the fruit of divine love, IV. Part II. Ch. 36.
—— Heavenly, how to be accepted, I. 40. VI.
—— in God, originally perfect, I. 41. 8.
—— of eternal life, II. 8. 14.
Judgment, Last, II. 8. 12.
Julian the Apostate, I. 38. 2.
Justification, I. 5. 1.
—— derived from God alone, II. 6. 8.
Knowledge of Christ, etc.—its excellence, I. 40. XV.
—— what is comprehended in it, I. 41. 1.
—— wherein it consists, I. 39. 5.
Knowledge of God—his knowledge, IV. Part I. Ch. 6. 12.
—— wherein it consists, I. 11. 18; I. 21. 6, etc.
Knowledge—of grace, I. 21. 5, 16, 17.
—— of sin, I. 21. 11.
—— of the Scriptures—vain, without a holy life, I. 35. 1, etc.
Laurentius Valla—a saying of his, II. 5. 4.
Law, Inward—its lessons, I. 7. 1-3.
496Lazarus, the friend of Christ, II. 13. 4.
Learning, Human—is distinct from godliness, I. 36. 14.
Leyser, P., Introd. § 2.
Life, Holy—proceeds from a renewed heart, I. 22. 2.
—— rules for leading it, I. 40. 1, etc.
Life of Christ (see Example), I. 10. 2; I. 11. 16; I. 14. 8, etc.; I. 37. 8.
Life of the Christian—a continual renewing of the image of God, I. 41. 2.
Life, Spiritual, I. 11. 12.
—— abolished in the carnal man, I. 41. 18.
—— different degrees of, Pref. to Book I. 1.
Life, Unholy, I. 10. 1, 3.
—— its effects, I. 38. 1, etc.; I. 39. 6.
Light—Natural, in the understanding, I. 41. 17, 26; III. Ch. 10.
——of grace, III. Ch. 10.
—— of nature, I. 7. 3.
—— of the sun and moon; its benefits, IV. Part I. Ch. 4. 19.
—— the work of the First Day, IV. Part I. Ch. 1.
Living in Christ, I. 6. 2-5; I. 36. 1, etc.
Lord's Prayer—its true use, III. Ch. 19.
Lord's Supper—therein Christ's true body and blood are received, III. 1. 4.
Love (see Self-Love)—a bond of union, IV. Part II. Ch. 28.
—— evils proceeding from the want of it, I. 31. 5; I. 35. 3.
—— four particulars concerning it, I. 24. 1.
—— four properties of it, II. 24. 17.
—— how it is to be guided, II. 24. 11.
—— in it are contained all the duties of a Christian, I. 35. 1.
—— its distinguishing feature, I. 35. 2.
—— its fruits, I. 30. 1-14; I. 32. 6; II. 24. 12.
—— its nature, properties, and fruits, IV. Part II. Ch. 27.
—— its necessity, I. 30. 1; I. 32. 7; I. 35. 7-9.
—— its noble character, II. Ch. 24.
—— its pleasantness, I. 24. 8; I. 29. 11, 12.
—— misguided, II. 24. 10.
—— mistakes made in reference to it, II. 24. 2, etc.
—— never faints, I. 24. 9.
—— the sure test of a Christian, I. 24. 7.
Love, Our—is not a hard work, I. 24. 6.
—— is the end of the Commandment, I. 24. 5; I. 26. 4.
—— reasons why it is due to God alone, I. 18. 12; II. Ch. 24; II. 29. 13; IV. Part II. Ch. 30.
Love,—what alone is worthy of it, IV. Part II. Ch. 29.
Love of Christ—the blessedness which it confers, II. Ch. 27.
Love to Christ, I. 14. 12.
—— signs of its existence, II. Ch. 25.
Love to God, I. 24. 2; I. 29. 3.
—— a remedy against profane love, I. 28. 5; III. 13. 4.
—— how it enters into the soul, III. Ch. 13.
—— is due to him, I. 28. 1, 4.
—— its influence, I. 24. 16; I. 28. 2; I. 28. 7; II. 24. 12, etc.
—— its nature, I. 28. 8; IV. Part II. Ch. 35.
—— no excuse for the want of it, IV. Part II. Ch. 17.
—— obtained by prayer, I. 24. 17.
—— out of a pure heart, I. 24. 14.
—— Pure, teaches how to pray, II. 24. 16.
—— the source of all that is good, IV. Part II. Ch. 32.
—— unchanged, I. 24. 23. Love of God to man, I. 25. 1-6.
—— how manifested. II. Ch. 26.
Love, False, I. 28. 3; I. 35. 6; II. 24. 4, etc.
Love to our enemies—why they should be loved, I. 27. 1-9.
Love to our neighbor, I. 24. 3; I. 24. 18-21; I. 29. 3-10.
—— a duty, I. 25. 2; IV. Part II. Ch. 24.
—— its source, I. 26. 5; I. 28. 10.
—— motives to practise it, I. 26. 6-16.
—— proceeds from the love which we owe to God, IV. Part II. Ch. 22.
Lovers of the world—how they are deceived, II. 26. 11.
—— their conduct, I. 36. 11.
—— their punishment, I. 18. 10, 11.
—— their spiritual state, I. 17. 9; I. 36. 2.
Lusts of the flesh—how to be subdued, II. Ch. 18.
Luther—his successful opposition to the papacy and other sects, I. 39. 2.
Majoristic Controversy, Introd. §§ 15, 19.
Man—general rule on the subject, IV. Part II. Ch. 16.
—— his liberty of choice, I. 17. 2.
—— his natural state, II. 5. 4.
—— how much he owes to God, IV. Part II. Ch. 6; Ch. 8; Ch. 9; Ch. 11; Ch. 12. 497
—— like a shadow, is nothing, II. 10. 13, 14.
—— only a pilgrim on earth, I. 13. 16.
—— the image of God, I. 1. 6; IV. Part II. Ch. 23.
—— what, and why made, IV. Part II. Ch. 3.
—— why he should love God, IV. Part II. Ch. 14.
—— why made in the image of God, IV. Part II. Ch. 4.
Man, The Inward—Outward, I. 16. 1.
Man, The Natural, II. 5. 5.
Man, The Old—New, I. 15. 1, etc.; I. 16. 11; II. 7. 1.
Marks of love to Christ, II. Ch. 25.
Martyrs—false, I. 35. 7.
—— spiritual, II. 53. 20.
—— their fidelity, II. 45. 7.
Meekness, II. 47. 2.
Mephibosheth, II. 10. 6.
Merit of Christ (see Imputation), I. 14. 7; I. 31. 8; I. 34. 1; II. 2. 8.
—— an infinite satisfaction, II. 2. 11, 12.
Micah, the prophet—pointing out the fountain of consolation, II. 49. 4.
Muhlenberg, Introd. §§ 34. 41.
Music—its origin, IV. Part II. Ch. 7. 3.
Music, Divine—several kinds, in the Old Testament, II. 41. 10.
Muenzer, Thomas, Introd. § 15.
Name of God—doing all things in it, I. 18. 5.
Narrow way in Christ—chosen by the Christian, II. 34. Sect. 4.
Neighbors (see Love)—judging them, III. Ch. 11.
New Birth (see Birth; Regeneration)—how effected, I. 3. 1.
—— it alone renders our works acceptable to God, I. 31. 10.
—— its fruits, I. 11. 17.
—— its necessity, I. 3. 8; I. 41. 16.
—— what it is, I. 5. 2, 4.
Oath, Divine—a source of consolation, II. 2. 2-5.
Obedience of Christ, II. 2. 13.
Offerings brought to God, I. 40. VII.
Oil, IV. Part I. Ch. 3. 43, 44.
Old Man, The (see Man)—encouragement derived from the strife with, I. 16. 11.
Omnipresence, Omnipotence, etc.; see God.
Original Sin (see Corruption), I. 2. 8; I. 41. 13, etc.; I. 42. 2.
—— its nature set forth in Book I.; Pref. to Book II. 2.
Osiandrian Controversy, Introd. § 15.
Palatinate, The, Introd. § 17.
Paracelsus, Introd. § 28.
Patience, Christian—consolations, II. 47, 17.
—— examples of, II. 47. 16.
—— motives to, II. Ch. 46.
—— produced by divine consolations, II. Ch. 45.
—— reasons for exercising it, II. Ch. 44.
—— Scriptural sentences respecting it, II. 47. 4-15.
—— sustained by the truth and promises of God, II. Ch. 49.
—— what it is, II. 44. 1; II. 45. 1; II. 47. 2, 3; III. Ch. 14.
Perfection, Absolute—not attainable, I. 11. 11; II. 51. 3.
—— not found in this world, II. 4. 2.
Perfection of the Christian life—wherein it consists, Pref. to Book III. 7.
Pericles, I. 27. 5.
Peter and Paul—their religious character, I. 17. 12.
Phocion, I. 27. 5.
Pilgrimage, Our—its nature, I. 17. 10.
Plato, II. 30. 4.
Poor and contrite, The—acceptable to God, I. 19. 11-16.
Poverty of spirit, III. 5. 1.
Prætorius, Introd. § 1.
Praise to God—benefits and efficacy of, II. Ch. 41.
—— offered by holy men, II. 42. 13.
—— reasons for offering it daily, II. Ch. 42.
—— to offer it, man's greatest privilege, II. 43. 4.
—— to offer it, the most honorable employment of men, II. Ch. 43.
—— when offered, a source of consolation, II. 48. 14.
Pray, To—sinful, whether in dependence on our own merit, or to forbear on account of our unworthiness, II. 34. Sect. 9.
Prayer—a consolation against the fear of death, II. 57. 12.
—— all men invited to it, by God, II. 34. Sect. 7.
Prayer—a means of obtaining consolation in affliction, II. 48. 13.
—— a protection against calumny, II. 17. 6.
—— benefits of continual, II. 34. Sect. 3.
—— certainty that it will be heard, II. 49. 7.
—— conversation of a believing soul with God, in, II. Ch. 39.
—— efficacy of the prayer of faith, II. 41. 6.
—— encouragements to, II. 20. 11, etc.
—— encouragements to, and lessons on, II. 34. Sect. 12.
—— evils which follow the neglect of, II. 34. Sect. 2.
—— in Psalm 109:1, etc., explained, II. 16. 1, etc.
—— its necessity, I. 42. 4 (e); II. 5. 4; II. Ch. 20.
—— internal, II. 20. 4; III. Ch. 19.
—— its benefits, power, and ground, II. Ch. 36.
—— its numerous qualities, offices, etc., II. 36. 16.
—— mental, II. 20. 7.
—— oral, II. 20. 3.
—— pattern of, furnished by Christ, II. 20. 10.
—— reasons why God certainly hears it, II. Ch. 37.
—— seven helps for our infirmities in, II. Ch. 38.
—— strengthens faith, II. 51. 16.
—— secret, II. 36. 9.
—— supernatural, II. 20. 4.
—— taught by love to God, II. 24. 16.
—— temptations, when we pray, II. 20. 16, 17.
—— the sign of a true Christian, II. Ch. 35.
—— the worshipper not restricted to any certain times of, II. 34. Sect. 11.
—— vain, without humility, II. 21. 4.
—— when acceptable to God, II. 20. 9.
—— when not heard, II. 37. 23, etc.
—— wherein it consists, II. 20. 1.
—— why it is enjoined, II. 20. 8.
—— why we should commune with God in prayer, II. 34. Sect. 5.
Preface (Author's) to Book I. p. xxxix.
—— Book II. p. 157.
—— Book III. p. 375.
—— Book IV. p. 423.
Pride (see Humility), I. 31. 1, etc.; I. 39. 8; III. 20. 2.
—— influence of, II. 22. 2, etc.
—— its properties, III. 20. 1-4.
Pride—remedy against spiritual, II. 7. 7.
—— spiritual, I. 42. 4.
Priesthood of Christ, II. 2. 15.
Prodigal Son, Parable of, II. 8. 2, etc.; II. 10. 7.
Promises, Divine—the chief source of the Christian's consolation, II. 2. 1; II. 45. 6.
Providence—a source of comfort, II. 45. 2; IV. Part I. Ch. 6. 16.
—— of God; three things wherein it consists, IV. Part I. Ch. 6. 12. etc.
Psalms—six, called Golden Songs, II. 43. 1.
—— suited to various circumstances, II. 41. 12.
—— the Penitential, I. 4. 9, note.
Punishments, Future—eternity of, I. 7. 5.
Punishments, Temporal, II. 8. 9; II. 8. 13.
Rationalists, Introd. § 40.
Reconciliation to our neighbor, I. 29. 1, 2.
—— enforced by three arguments, II. 4. 4. a. b. c.
—— the terms of, I. 29. 14.
Refuge, Cities of, I. 21. 15, 16.
Regeneration (see New Birth)—by divine goodness, II. 9. 3.
—— how effected, I. 3. 4.
—— in what it consists, I. 3. 7; II. 9. 1, etc.
—— its necessity, I. 41. 27.
—— men invited to, II. 9. 4.
—— produced by divine threatenings, II. 9. 2.
—— whence it proceeds, I. 3. 11, 12.
Remission of Sins—follows repentance, I. 8. 12, 16.
—— is not granted without repentance, I. 34. 12.
Renewal in Christ, I. 3. 5.
—— continued, I. 22. 4, etc.
Repentance (see Conversion)—a quality of it, I. 29. 16.
—— daily, I. 20. 10.
—— founded on humility, III. 20. 3.
—— four properties of, II. 10. 1, etc.
—— illustrations of, I. 21. 12; II. 8. 1, etc.
—— its fruits, I. 42. 2; II. 9. 28.
—— its necessity, I. 8. 1-15; I. 37. 10; I. 37. 22, 23.
—— manner of, II. 9. 14.
—— motives to, II. 9. 22, etc.
—— the source of the Christian's life, Pref. to Book I. 1.
Repentance—what it is, I. 4. 1-11; I. 8. 2; I. 21. 10; II. 3. 1, etc.
—— when it is unfeigned, II. 10. 14.
—— without reconciliation and restitution, not acceptable to God, I. 29. 19.
Resurrection of Christ (see Christ), II. 25. 10; II. 57. 4.
—— its fruit, II. 57. 11.
Resurrection of our bodies—a ground of comfort, II. 57. 3.
Revelation—punishment of those who reject it, I. 7. 7, 8.
Righteousness—by faith, II. 3. 8.
—— whence it proceeds, I. 5. 8; II. 3. 4.
Righteousness of Christ—made our own, II. 3. 6.
Righteousness, Our—its foundation, I. 3. 9.
—— whence it proceeds, II. 3. 1, etc.
Saints—example given by them, II. 17. 4, 5; II. 17. 10; II. 44. 8; II. 52. 15; II. 54. 8.
—— their constant practice, I. 20. 18.
—— their example, a help in prayer, II. 38. 5-8.
—— their example, a source of comfort, II. 45. 8.
—— their temptations, II. 52. 2, etc.
Satan—his character, I. 41. 22.
—— his fall, I. 31. 7; II. 17. 9.
—— his fiery darts, II. 52. 6.
—— his image in man, I. 2. 3.
—— his want of power, II. 53. 2, 3.
Schwenkfeldt, Introd. §§ 14, 24.
Scriptures (see Word)—their purpose, I. 6. 8, 9.
Sea, The—lessons taught by it, Ch. 5. 15.
Seeking after God—two ways, III. 4. 1.
Self-denial, I. 4. 3; I. 14. 6; I. 15. 4, etc.; II. 7. 2; II. 10. 2; III. 23. 4.
Self-love, I. 31. 1, etc.; IV. Part II. Ch. 33.
—— its actual result, IV. Part II. Ch. 31.
—— its dangers, I. 14. 2, etc.; I. 31. 3; I. 31. 7; I. 14. 10.
—— its evil fruits, IV. Part II. Ch. 37; Ch. 38; Ch. 40.
—— its remedy, I. 31. 8.
—— its source, I. 31. 6.
—— the source of all evil, IV. Part II. 32. 2, 3. Self—worship of, II. 23.
Servetus, Introd. §§ 15, 16.
Sin (see Original Sin; Remission)—never comes alone, I. 37. 18.
Slander, see Calumny.
Sloth—to be shaken off, II. 5. 7.
Smalcald Articles, Introd. § 25.
Solomon's throne, III. 5. 2.
Sorrow for Sin (see Godly sorrow)—its happy influence, I. 20. 7.
Sorrow—worldly, and, godly, I. 40.
Soul—its dignity, III. 7. 1; IV. Part I. 6. 18-24.
—— its image shining forth originally in the body, I. 41. 7.
—— its original holy nature, I. 41. 5.
—— the habitation of the Holy Ghost, II. 35. 3.
—— the things that instruct and comfort it, IV. Part II. Ch. 7.
Spirit and flesh (see Holy Spirit)—conflict between them, I. 16. 2, etc.
Stars, The, IV. Part I. Ch. 4.
Strasburg, Introd. § 2.
Substance of the Christian religion—is faith and love, I. 30. 1.
Supper, The Lord's—wherein Christ gives us his body and blood, II. 10. 6; III. 1. 4.
Symbol, what—Introd. § 41, Note.
Symbolical Books, Introd. §§ 22, 24, 25, 40, 41, 42; Pref. to Book I. 8; Conclusion of Book II.
Synergistic Controversy, Introd. §§ 15, 19.
Talents—not they, but faith and love required, I. 32. 1, etc.
—— why bestowed, I. 32. 4.
Tauler,—Pref. to Book I. 8; Introd. § 29.
—— quotations from, II. 53. 20; III. 1. 3.
—— subject of his Sermons, I. 37. 16.
Temporal things—design of their creation, I. 17. 1.
—— loss of, I. 20, 21, 22.
—— preference of, offensive to God, I. 18. 1, etc.
Temptations, Spiritual—comforting instructions for those who labor under them, II. Ch. 52; II. Ch. 53; II. Ch. 54.
—— God refreshes the weak in, III. 23. 3.
—— not tokens of God's anger, II. 53. 13.
—— origin of, II. 52. 4-7.
—— reasons why they are sent, II. 52. 7, etc.; II. 53. 4, etc.
Testimony of the Spirit, II. 2. 9.
Theology—what it is, Pref. to Book I. 2.
Thirst—ours, and Christ's, I. 36. 24.
Thirty Years' War, Introd. § 22.
Thomas á Kempis, Pref. to Book I. 8; Introd. § 29.
Titus, the Roman emperor, I. 27. 5.
Trinity, Holy—benefits conferred by, II. 29. 10.
—— dwelling in the hearts of believers, III. 1. 1.
Treasure, Internal—means of attaining it, III. Ch. 1.
—— of the believer, III. Ch. 1.
—— what it is, and on what it depends, III. Ch. 3.
Unbelief—its fruits, I. 37. 4.
Union with Christ—of the highest necessity, II. 6. 3.
Union with God, II. 6. 1.
—— a property of true repentance, II. 10. 15.
—— its necessity, II. 28. 4.
Vanity and emptiness of man, II. 23. 1.
Vengeance of God—set forth by Moses, II. 32. 7, 8.
Vice—abounding among Christians, I. 7. 6.
Vincent, St., II. 45. 8.
Virtue—false love of, II. 24. 9.
Warfare, Spiritual—an encouraging evidence, I. 16. 11.
—— even in the godly, I. 16. 7.
Waters—separated from the land, the work of the Third Day, IV. Part I. Ch. 3.
—— they, and their productions, IV. Part I. Ch. 5.
Weigel, Introd. § 28.
Wildenhahn, Introd. §§ 10, 26, 30.
Will of man—originally conformed to the will of God, I. 41. 6.
—— what it now is, II. 6. 7.
Wine, IV. Part I. Ch. 3. 40-42.
Wisdom—how to be acquired, II. 5. 1.
Woman of Canaan, The, III, 5. 1.
Word of God (see Scriptures)—its graciousness and efficacy, I. 36. 20, 21.
—— not a dead letter, I. 6. 2.
—— reading, etc., it, a protection against calumny, II. 17. 7.
—— who reject it, I. 38. 8.
Word and Sacraments—means of grace, II. 9. 7.
—— strengthen faith, II. 51. 16.
—— their design, I. 38. 1.
Works—how judged, I. 33. 1; II. 5. 6.
—— how they may be rendered acceptable to God, III. Ch. 22.
—— their source must be faith, I. 33. 4; II. 22. 1.
—— they cannot justify, I. 5. 6.
—— worth, their, how to be judged, II. 4. 5.
Works, Good—God alone the Author, I. 21. 21.
World—its vanity, II. 57. 17, etc.
—— necessity of withdrawing from it, I. 23. 2.
—— relinquishing it, I. 20. 25.
Worldly pleasures—drive away the Holy Spirit, III. Ch. 18.
Worldly society, I. 23. 5, etc.
Worship, True—of God, I. 21. 3, etc.
—— required, on our own account, I. 21. 21, 22.
—— seated in the heart, I. 21. 19; I. 26. 3.
—— three things belonging to it, I. 21. 5.
—— wherein it consists, I. 26. 2.
Yoke of Christ, I. 4. 6; I. 11. 13.
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