Audio files for Devotions of Saint Anselm Archbi

NameSize (MB)Play Time (min)Bit Rate
[01] Introduction - Part 1.mp3 18.6M 20:17 128 kb
[02] Introduction - Part 2.mp3 14.4M 15:42 128 kb
[03] Proslogion - Preface - Ch 1.mp3 10.2M 11:06 128 kb
[04] Proslogion - Ch 2-9.mp3 13.9M 15:13 128 kb
[05] Proslogion - Ch 10-18.mp3 14.4M 15:45 128 kb
[06] Proslogion - Ch 19-25.mp3 12.6M 13:46 128 kb
[07] Proslogion - Ch 26 - Notes.mp3 14.2M 15:30 128 kb
[08] Preface to the Meditations and Prayers - Med I Part III.mp3 12.9M 14:07 128 kb
[09] Meditation I - Part IV-VII.mp3 13.5M 14:45 128 kb
[10] Meditation I - Part VIII-IX.mp3 9.5M 10:20 128 kb
[11] Meditation I - Part X-XIV.mp3 11M 12:02 128 kb
[12] Meditation II.mp3 9.3M 10:07 128 kb
[13] Meditation III.mp3 13.4M 14:39 128 kb
[14] Meditation IV.mp3 19.7M 21:33 128 kb
[15] Prayers of St. Anselm - Prayers I-III.mp3 12.8M 13:58 128 kb
[16] Prayers of St. Anselm - Prayer IV.mp3 5.2M 05:39 128 kb
[17] Letters of Spiritual Counsel.mp3 18.5M 20:11 128 kb

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