8. Tuesday Evening Prayer.
O eternal and merciful God, God of all riches, who art in heaven, I most heartily thank Thee for Thy great mercy and 015 paternal providence by which Thou hast again permitted me to end this day in the enjoyment of health. And since I, alas! have not spent this day to Thy praise and honor, and the welfare of my neighbor, inasmuch as my depraved nature is always inclined more to evil than to good, help, Thou faithful God, that I who am conceived and born in sin, may recognize my infirmity and become a partaker of Thy heavenly grace; and teach me to think much and often of my end, that I may prepare myself for it in true repentance, and when it approaches may depart from this world of trouble full of consolation and blessedness, and with all believing Christians be translated into Thy heavenly paradise. In the mean time, as long as I sojourn on earth, take me into Thy almighty protection and mercifully keep and preserve me from all harm and danger of body and soul, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son. Amen.