Let Christian faith and hope dispel the fears of guilt and woe; The Lord Almighty is our friend, and who can prove a foe? | He who his Son, most dear and loved, gave up for us to die. Shall he not all things freely give that goodness can supply? | Behold the best, the greatest gift, of everlasting love! Behold the pledge of peace below, and perfect bliss above! | Where is the judge who can condemn, since God hath justified? Who shall charge those with guilt or crime for whom the Saviour died? | 142 The Saviour died, but rose again triumphant from the grave; And pleads our cause at God’s right hand, omnipotent to save. | Who then can e’er divide us more from Jesus and his love, Or break the sacred chain that binds the earth to heav’n above? | Let troubles rise, and terrors frown, and days of darkness fall; Through him all dangers we’ll defy, and more than conquer all. | Nor death nor life, nor earth nor hell, nor time’s destroying sway, Can e’er efface us from his heart, or make his love decay. | Each future period that will bless, as it has bless’d the past; He loved us from the first of time, he loves us to the last. | |