« Prev | Psalm 70, C.M.: Make haste, O God, me to preserve | Next » |
Second Version (C.M.)
1Make haste, O God, me to preserve; with speed, Lord, succour me. 2Let them that for my soul do seek sham’d and confounded be: | Let them be turned back, and sham’d, that in my hurt delight. 3Turn’d back be they, Ha, ha! that say, their shaming to requite. | 4O Lord, in thee let all be glad, and joy that seek for thee: Let them who thy salvation love say still, God praised be. | 5But I both poor and needy am; come, Lord, and make no stay: My help thou and deliv’rer art; O Lord, make no delay. | |
« Prev | Psalm 70, C.M.: Make haste, O God, me to preserve | Next » |