The hour of my departure’s come; I hear the voice that calls me home: At last, O Lord! let trouble cease. And let thy servant die in peace. | 153 The race appointed I have run; The combat’s o’er, the prize is won; And now my witness is on high, And now my record’s in the sky. | Not in mine innocence I trust; I bow before thee in the dust; And through my Saviour’s blood alone I look for mercy at thy throne. | I leave the world without a tear, Save for the friends I held so dear; To heal their sorrows, Lord, descend, And to the friendless prove a friend. | I come, I come, at thy command, I give my spirit to thy hand; stretch forth thine everlasting arms, And shield me in the last alarms. | The hour of my departure’s come; I hear the voice that calls me home; Now, O my God! let trouble cease; Now let thy servant die in peace. | |