« Prev | 64: Rev. 1:5-9: To him that loved the souls of men | Next » |
To him that loved the souls of men and washed us in his blood, To royal honours raised our head, and made us priests to God; | To him let ev’ry tongue be praise, and ev’ry heart be love! All grateful honours paid on earth, and nobler songs above! | 149 Behold, on flying clouds he comes! his saints shall bless the day; While they that pierced him sadly mourn in anguish and dismay, | I am the First, and I the Last; time centres all in me; Th’ Almighty God, who was, and is, and evermore shall be. | |
« Prev | 64: Rev. 1:5-9: To him that loved the souls of men | Next » |