« Prev | 20: Isaiah 26:1-7: How glorious Sion's courts… | Next » |
How glorious Sion’s courts appear, the city of our God! His throne he hath established here here fixed his loved abode. | Its wall, defended by his grace no pow’r shall e’er o’erthrow, Salvation is its bulwark sure against th’ assailing foe. | Lift up the everlasting gates, the doors wide open fling; Enter, ye nations, who obey the statutes of our King. | Here shall ye taste unmingled joys, and dwell in perfect peace, Ye, who have known JEHOVAH’s name, and trusted in his grace. | Trust in the Lord, for ever trust, and banish all your fears; Strength In the Lord JEHOVAH dwells eternal as his years. | What though the wicked dwell on high, his arm shall bring them low; Low as the caverns of the grave their lofty heads shall bow. | Along the dust shall then be spread their tow’rs, that brave the skies: On them the needy’s feet shall tread, and on their ruins rise. | |
« Prev | 20: Isaiah 26:1-7: How glorious Sion's courts… | Next » |