« Prev | Psalm 119, Part 22: O let my earnest pray'r and… | Next » |
169O let my earnest pray’r and cry come near before thee, Lord: Give understanding unto me, according to thy word. | 170Let my request before thee come: after thy word me free. 171My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught thy laws to me. | 172My tongue of thy most blessed word shall speak, and it confess; Because all thy commandements are perfect righteousness. | 173Let thy strong hand make help to me: thy precepts are my choice. 174I long’d for thy salvation, Lord, and in thy law rejoice. | 175O let my soul live, and it shall give praises unto thee; And let thy judgments gracious be helpful unto me. | 176I, like a lost sheep, went astray; thy servant seek, and find: For thy commands I suffer’d not to slip out of my mind. | |
« Prev | Psalm 119, Part 22: O let my earnest pray'r and… | Next » |