153Consider mine affliction, in safety do me set: Deliver me, O Lord, for I thy law do not forget. | 154After thy word revive thou me: save me, and plead my cause. 155Salvation is from sinners far; for they seek not thy laws. | 156O Lord, both great and manifold thy tender mercies be: According to thy judgments just, revive and quicken me. | 157My persecutors many are, and foes that do combine; Yet from thy testimonies pure my heart doth not decline. | 158I saw transgressors, and was griev’d; for they keep not thy word. 159See how I love thy law! as thou art kind, me quicken, Lord. | 160From the beginning all thy word hath been most true and sure: Thy righteous judgments ev’ry one for evermore endure. | |