« Prev | Psalm 119, Part 1: Blessed are they that undefil'd | Next » |
1Blessed are they that undefil’d, and straight are in the way; Who in the Lord’s most holy law do walk, and do not stray. | 2Blessed are they who to observe his statutes are inclin’d; And who do seek the living God with their whole heart and mind. | 3Such in his ways do walk, and they do no iniquity. 4Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts carefully. | 5O that thy statutes to observe thou would’st my ways direct! 6Then shall I not be sham’d, when I thy precepts all respect. | 7Then with integrity of heart thee will I praise and bless, When I the judgments all have learn’d of thy pure righteousness. | 8That I will keep thy statutes all firmly resolv’d have I: O do not then, most gracious God, forsake me utterly. | |
« Prev | Psalm 119, Part 1: Blessed are they that undefil'd | Next » |