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At the Vespers, for O Lord, I have cried, the Stichera, Tone 8. Similar to: What shall we call ye...

What shall we name thee, O apostle? heaven, since thou hast confessed the glory of God ? or a stream, since thou dost mystically give drink unto the creation? or a star, that illumineth the church ? or a cup pouring out the holy drink ? or Christ's nearest friend and of the bodiless ones equal ? Do supplicate for our souls.

O glorious God-seeing apostle! Beautiful have become thy feet treading well along the paths of preaching and making narrow the way of the enemy by the width of the divine knowledge of the Word that hath appeared in the coarseness of the flesh and thee as a most glorious disciple hath selected, O blissful one. Him supplicate that our souls may be saved.

Truly wast thou, O God-spoken apostle, sent from Christ as a 80luminous arrow wounding the enemies and unto the wounded souls manifestly granting cure; wherefore we, as in duty bound, glorify thee and celebrate to-day thy holy feast. Do supplicate that our souls may be saved.

Glory ...Both now ...the Theotokion: Thousands of times, O all-pure one, have I promised to make penitence for my transgressions, but the beloved habit of my evil deeds does not forsake me; wherefore unto thee I cry and fall down before thee with the supplication: Do thou, O Sovereign-Lady, release me from this tyranny, instructing me unto the better ways, nearest to salvation.

The Stavro-theotokion : Thee, the Lamb and Shepherd, seeing on the tree, the lamb that bare Thee was bewailing and as a Mother thus spake to Thee: O most beloved Son, how is it, O Long-suffering, that Thou art hung on the tree of the cross? how is it that Thy hands and Thy feet, O Word, are nailed down by the wicked and Thou hast shed Thy blood, O Master?

If there be Idiomelion, Glory ... Tone 6.

The grace was poured out through thy lips, O glorious apostle (mentioned by name), and thou wast the lamp of the church of Christ, teaching the intellectual sheep to believe in the Trinity Consubstantial, in the One Godhead.

Both now... The Theotokion : No one who fleeth for refuge unto thee, ever leaveth thee ashamed, O most pure Theotokos Virgin, but asking for grace, he receiveth the grant of his profitable petition. [The Stavro-theotokion

The all-pure one seeing Thee hung on the cross with motherly tears cried out unto Thee: O my Son and my God, my sweetest Child, how is it that Thou sufferest the ignominious death?

If the Celebration be with the Polyeleon, say the Theotokion of the resurrection : Who would not bless thee ...The Entrance. The Prokeimenon of the day. Thereupon three Paroimias of Apostles (see Appendix).

For Versicles, the Stichera, Tone 4. Similar to: Thou hast given a token...

Thou hast obtained, O apostle, an invincible authority over demons, and the power in the name of Christ to drive away their princes of darkness; thou hast passed through the earth81enlightening as the sun, and hast instructed all the lands, preaching, O glorious one, Christ's first and saving coming.

The Verse: Through all the earth is gone out their sound and their words to the end of the world. Resembling the first grace and the natural and most divine life, wast thou (mentioned by name) a good man in very deed, and wast called son of the divine grace, whilst on account of goodness of thy character and of the purity of thy mind thou didst appear to be a sincere disciple of Christ.

The Verse: The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth His handiwork. An instrument well constructed, through the divine leading hast thou, O apostle(mentioned by name), devoted thyself unto the calling in of the Gentiles, instructing them, by word and deed, in the knowledge of Christ, and hast enlightened all to confess the true Godhead of Jesus, the Saviour of our souls. Glory ...Tone 2. Leaving the earthly cares, thou hast followed Christ and having been sealed with the breath of the Holy Spirit was sent by Him unto the lost nations to turn men unto the light of the knowledge of God, O apostle (mentioned by name); thereupon, having ended the exploits of thy divine passion and of various tortures, hast thou given up thy soul unto Christ; Him supplicate, O all-blissful one, to grant us great mercy. If there be a Festival, say the Theotokion of the resurrection: O new wonder -- the greatest of all the ancient wonders !... But if there be no Celebration, say the following Theotokion As a fertile olive-tree the Virgin hath brought forth Thee, the Fruit of life to fructify unto the world great and abundant mercy.

The Stavro-theotokion: Seeing Thee, O Jesus, nailed to the tree of the cross, the innocent of marital life said in tears: O my sweetest Child, why hast Thou left alone me that bare Thee, O Unapproachable Light of the Unoriginate Father ? Make an effort and glorify Thyself that the divine glory may be obtained by those who glorify Thy divine passion.

The Troparion from the Typicon. If there be no Typicon, say the following Troparion, Tone 3. O holy apostle (mentioned by name), entreat the Merciful God that He may grant the remission of sins to our souls. Glory ... Both now ... the Theotokion, according to the Tone of the Troparion.


At the Matins, for God is the Lord, the same Troparion. After the 1st Stichologia, the Cathisma, Tone 2 : Having caught the nations, the glorious apostle hath taught the ends of the earth to adore Thee, O Christ the God, together with the Father and the Spirit; for his sake do Thou stablish Thy church and send down unto the faithful Thy blessing, O Only-merciful One and Lover of man. Twice.

Glory ...Both now ...the Theotokion: Of the divine nature we have become partakers through thee, O Theotokos and Ever-Virgin; for thou hast brought forth unto us the God Incarnate; wherefore as in duty bound we all piously magnify thee.

After the 2nd Stichologia, the Cathisma, Tone 4 : Since the Sun of righteousness -- Christ -- hath emitted thee, O glorious apostle (mentioned by name), as a ray to enlighten all the earth, thou dost illumine with thine intercessions and enlighten with the divine, never-setting Light all those that in faith celebrate thy holy memory. Twice. Glory ...Both now...the Theotokion :

A hope which can never be put to shame, of those that trust in thee -- the only one who, above nature, broughtest forth in the flesh Christ our God, Him do thou with the holy apostles supplicate to grant unto the universe cleansing of transgressions and unto us all, before the end, amendment of our lives.

The Refrain: We magnify thee, O holy apostle (mentioned by name), and honour thy sufferings and pains with which thou hast laboured in the preaching of the Gospel of Christ.

The selected Psalm: The heavens declare the glory of God...

After the Polyeleon, the Cathisma, Tone 8. Similar to: Of the wisdom...

Having with the net of divine words caught the intellectual fishes, thou hast brought them as firstlings unto our God, and, being desirous to put on Christ's wounds, thou didst appear resemblable to Him in His passion; wherefore being gathered together we dutifully honour thine, O glorious apostle, all-festive memory and harmoniously vociferate unto thee: Supplicate Christ the God that He may grant remission of sins unto those who lovingly venerate thy holy memory. Twice.

Glory ...Both now ...the Theotokion : Let us hymn the heavenly83gate and ark, the all-holy mountain and the light cloud, the bush unconsumed, intellectual paradise, the recall of Eve, of all the universe the great treasure, since in her was brought about the salvation of the world and the remission of the ancient transgressions. Wherefore let us vociferate unto her: Supplicate thy Son to grant the remission of sins unto those who piously adore thine all-holy bringing forth. The Graduals. The 1st Antiphon of the 4th Tone. The Prokeimenon: Through all the earth is gone out their sound... The Verse: The heavens declare the glory of God,.. Let every breath... Thereupon the Gospel (Matth. 9, 36-38; 10, 1. 5-8).

After the 50th Psalm, the Sticheron, Tone 6 : Having manifestly received the grace of the Divine Spirit, thou (mentioned by name) wast a member of the sacred choir of apostles; wherefore thou hast also inhaled the fiery breath that was once carried down from heaven in the shape of tongues of fire, and hast burned up the thorny godlessness of heathens. Do thou, O preacher, supplicate Christ the God that our souls may be saved.

The Canon, Tone 8. Ode 1. The Heirmos:

Let us, O people, send up a melody unto our marvellous God Who hath liberated Israel from bondage, singing unto Him an ode of victory and vociferating : We sing unto Thee, the only Master.

Standing on high before the Master Who hath glorified thee, O wondrous apostle (mentioned by name), and hath manifestly shewn thee His disciple, do enlighten my soul that I may hymn thy divine memory.

Having granted unto thee every abundance of good things, as the uppermost of divine gifts Christ, righteous in His judgment, hath shewn thee, O God-manifested apostle, being Himself the Only-righteous.

Having received the all-spiritual light that came down from heaven upon thee, O apostle, thou wast fire-inspired and burning all the deceit of polytheism. [The Tkeotokion :

My mortal and corrupt substance hast Thou, O Saviour, shewn as immortal and incorrupt, having dwelt in the womb of the holy, all-pure Virgin, innocent of marital life, and having taken up the nature of man.


Ode 3. The Heirmos :

There is none holy as the Lord, and none righteous as our God, Whom the whole creation thus hymneth: There is no one righteous except Thee, O Lord.

The divine mystery of incarnation hast thou, O God-acceptable apostle, truly learned, having received from the Saviour Himself the illumination from above.

The Word Unoriginate and Ever-existing hath thee, O wondrous apostle -- His minister, abundantly illumined with the lustrous brightness of the divine grace.

Kindled with the aurora and spiritual working as a God-seen arrow wast thou, O most glorious apostle, sent from Christ, and thou hast, O blissful one, enlightened the world with thy teaching [The Theotokion :

As a golden candlestick hath the prophet foreshadowed thee, carrying the never-setting Light -- Christ our God Who enlighteneth the world with the rays of divinity.

The Cathisma, Tone 3. Similar to: Of the divine...

With the illumination of the Divine Spirit thou hast dispersed the darkness of polytheism and hast enlightened the hearts of the faithful, having loudly proclaimed the saving commandments, O all-wise apostle (mentioned by name) ; supplicate Christ the God to grant us great mercy. Glory...Both now...the Theotokion : Every one hath rightfully the recourse thither where he obtaineth salvation, and what can other such refuge be that sheltereth our souls, beside thee, O Theotokos ?

The Stavro-Theotokion : Having acquired as a staff of strength the cross of thy Son, O Theotokos, therewith we put down the rage of the enemies and unceasingly and lovingly magnify thee.

Ode 4. The Heirmos :

Thee, O Word, desiring to become incarnate of the overshadowed mount -- the only Theotokos, the prophet hath with Godly-sight perceived and with awe doxologized Thy might.

Being the treasury of all the gifts of the gospel, thou, O all-blissful (mentioned by name), wast full of grace, light of the world and salt of the universe.

From things of shameful aspect hast thou, O wondrous one,85turned away and wast made worthy to see the immaterial light of Divinity that hath assumed the form of a human thing.

As a disciple of the incorruptible Life, do thou slay the sin that liveth within us, with the life-bearing power of the Lifegiver Whose energy hast thou received.

The Theotokion: Being equal unto Thy Father in substance, Thou wast equal unto men in nature, having taken, O Master, our flesh of the all-pure Virgin.

Ode 5. The Heirmos :

Having enlightened with the knowledge of God the ends of the world that was in the night of darkness, do Thou, O Lord, illumine me with the morning of Thy love to man.

Thy tongue, O God-seer, became mingled with the spiritual fire which thou lovingly receivedst sitting in the upper chamber.

Being high as living in the uppermost dwellings, thou, O (mentioned by name), hast brought unto us high and great teachings.

Having thy pure mind towards God in His serenity, thou hast acquired a heart as pure and hast seen the God Incarnate, incomprehensible for the intellect. [The Theotokion :

With thy bringing forth, O Virgin, the first law ceased, and the grace blossomed, truth shone forth.

Ode 6. The Heirmos :

A bright garment do grant me Thou that puttest on light as a garment, O Multi-merciful Christ, our God.

As a disciple and friend of Christ hast thou, O glorious apostle, zealously worked for the Lord God Almighty.

The Saviour hath shewn thee as self-worker of divine wonders, having given thee the power through the operation of His graciousness.

Adorned with the divine grace of teaching, thou, O most laudable apostle of Christ (mentioned by name), dost announce unto the world the general salvation of God Who is over all.

The Theotokion: Let the mouths of the wicked that do not philosophize thee, O all-spotless one; as Theotokos, be closed, and let their faces be clothed with shame.


The Contakion to be found in the Typicon; in the absence of the latter, say the following Contakion, Tone 4. Similar to : Thou hast appeared... As a most bright star the church hath for ever acquired thee, O apostle (mentioned by name), being enlightened with the grant of a multitude of thy miracles wherefore we call unto Christ: Save, O Greatly-merciful, those who in faith honour the memory of Thine apostle.

The Oikos: A stream of speech grant me, O Lord, Who hast made the nature of water, and strengthen my heart, O Compassionate One, Who hath firmly set the earth with Thy Word, enlighten also my thoughts Thou that puttest on light as a garment, that I may speak and sing such things as are worthy of the veneration of Thine apostle, O Greatly-merciful One.

Ode 7. The Heirmos :

The Hebrew youths in the furnace have boldly trodden upon the flame and have changed the fire into dew, vociferating: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, unto the ages.

Possessing wonderful zeal, thou, O (mentioned by name), standest now before the throne of the Master; as servant of Christ wast thou crowned, O God's teacher, that criedst out: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, unto the ages.

Exulting together with the Word and having been His companion, thou wast made co-partaker of the Kingdom of the Most High, calling out: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, unto the ages.

Full of wisdom, enlightened by the grace, adorned with the serene beauty, thou, O God-spoken holy apostle, dost cry out Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, unto the ages.

The Theotokion: Through the flattering idea of a better destiny, the serpent did of old drive away the forefathers, and thou, O Mother of God, hast recalled them; blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, O most pure one.

Ode 8. The Heirmos:

Whilst the musical instruments gave out harmonious sounds and people innumerable were adoring the image on Dura, three youths disobeying orders hymned the Lord and doxologized Him unto all the ages.

As thy feet appeared beautiful, so stately was also thy speech87that proclaimed the glory of Christ and taught us to call: Hymn the Lord and exalt Him unto all the ages.

Adorned with brilliant-rayed virtues and emitting lights of miracles, thou becamest known unto the people as a blessed seed persuading us to call out: Hymn the Lord and exalt Him onto all the ages.

A holy disciple, well versed in the heavenly mysteries, thou hast passed throughout the universe, teaching openly the word of the faith in Christ, O apostle, and confessing the ineffable grace, whilst vociferating: Hymn the Lord and exalt Him unto all the ages. [The Theotokion :

The mind cannot explain thy bringing forth, O God's Mother, and is too feeble to express it in words; for having conceived, thou, O Virgin, didst give birth unto God, Whom we exalt unto all the ages.

Ode 9. The Heirmos:

As truly Theotokos we confess thee, being saved by thee, O pure Virgin, and together with the bodiless choirs magnify thee.

Unto the ends wast thou manifested, O apostle, shining with the divine light, and having received the spiritual fire, thou appearedst, O (mentioned by name), resplendent with light; wherefore we magnify thee.

Given up entirely unto God, unto Him thou becamest thoroughly mingled; Him do now, O God-manifested one, supplicate for us who in faith and with love are praising thee.

Celebrating thy memory, O most blissful one, we entreat thee that we ever may be freed from great agitation through the intercession of thy boldness, which as apostle of Christ thou dost possess, O all-honourable God-seer.

The Theotokion: We magnify in hymns the mediatrix of the salvation of all that appeared unto men and illumined the world with the lustre of the God-like purity.

The Photagogicon. Similar to : By the Spirit foreseeing...

The progress of thy beautiful feet, O apostle (mentioned by name), having been arrested, thou hast joyfully ascended for the heavenly progress, and standing before the Trinity thou dost see in the Father -- the Son and the Divine Spirit ; wherefore we do in faith celebrate thy most sacred and divine memory.


The Theotokion: Of the dreadful trial I recall to myself the hour, the multitude of my wicked deeds horrifieth and frighteneth me; but take compassion on me, O most pure one, in thy warm supplication and vouchsafe unto me salvation; for what thou willest do thou canst.

With the Lauds, the Stichera, Tone 4. Similar to : As a virtuous...

With the staff of grace hast thou, O wondrous one, snatched men out of the depth of vanities, having thyself obeyed, O (mentioned by name), the beck of thy Teacher, Who hath in everything enlightened thine understanding and hath shewn thee, O all-blissful one, apostle and honourable God's herald of the incomprehensible Divinity. Twice.

Enlightenment of the Spirit came down upon thee in the shape of fire and hath made thee, O blissful one, into a divine receptacle, that swiftly drivest away the mist of godlessness and enlightenest the world with the lustre of thy most wise speech, O expounder of mysteries, ornament of apostles, blessed eyewitness of Christ.

With the lightnings of thy preaching hast thou, O glorious one, shewn those that were sitting in the darkness of ignorance, sons of the Master and God for the sake of their faith; His passion and death hast thou emulated and becamest the heir of His glory, as a wise one and God-spoken, as the disciple of truth.

Glory ... Tone 2.

Having given up the earthly things, thou hast followed Christ and having been sealed with the breath of the Holy Spirit, wast thou sent by Him unto the lost nations to turn men unto the light of the knowledge of God, O apostle (mentioned by name) ; having thereupon ended the exploits of thy divine passion and of various torments, thou hast given up to Christ thy soul; Him supplicate, O all-blessed one, to grant us great mercy.

Both now ...The Theotokion : All my trust I place in thee, O Mother of God, do thou preserve me under thy shelter.

The Stavro-theotokion : When the undefiled lamb saw her 89offspring being dragged as a man to the willing slaughter, she thus spake with sobs: Dost Thou strive now, O Christ, to make me childless who gave Thee birth? Wherefore hast Thou done this, O Deliverer of all? Howbeit, I hymn and glorify Thine extreme goodness, O Lover of man, which is above the mind and speech.

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