"Awake, My Heart, with Gladness"

                          by Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676

                                  Text From:

                              THE LUTHERAN HYMNAL

                 (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1941)

        1. Awake, my heart, with gladness,

        See what today is done,

        Now after gloom and sadness

        Comes forth the glorious Sun!

        My Savior there was laid

        Where our bed must be made

        When to the realms of light

        Our spirit wings its flight.

        2. The Foe in triumph shouted

        When Christ lay in the tomb,

        But, lo, he now is routed,

        His boast is turned to gloom.

        For Christ again is free;

        In glorious victory

        He who is strong to save

        Has triumphed o'er the grave.

        3. This is a sight that gladdens;

        What peace it doth impart!

        Now nothing ever saddens

        The joy within my heart;

        No gloom shall ever shake,

        No foe shall ever take,

        The hope which God's own Son

        In love for me hath won.

        4. Now hell, its prince, the devil,

        Of all their power are shorn;

        Now I am safe from evil,

        And sin I laugh to scorn.

        Grim death with all his might

        Cannot my soul affright;

        He is a powerless form,

        Howe'er he rave and storm.

        5. The world against me rageth,

        Its fury I disdain;

        Though bitter war it wageth,

        Its work is all in vain.

        My heart from care is free,

        No trouble troubles me.

        Misfortune now is play,

        And night is bright as day.

        6. Now I will cling forever

        To Christ, my Savior true;

        My Lord will leave me never,

        Whate'er He passes through.

        He rends Death's iron chain,

        He breaks through sin and pain,

        He shatters hell's dark thrall,-

        I follow through it all.

        7. To halls of heavenly splendor

        With Him I penetrate;

        And trouble ne'er may hinder

        Nor make me hesitate.

        Let tempests rage at will,

        My Savior shields me still;

        He grants abiding peace

        And bids all tumult cease.

        8. He brings me to the portal

        That leads to bliss untold

        Whereon this rime immortal

        Is found in script of gold:

        "Who there My cross hath shared

        Finds here a crown prepared;

        Who there with Me has died

        Shall here be glorified."

Notes: Hymn #192 from _The Lutheran Hymnal_ Text: Col. 2:15 Author: Paul Gerhardt Translated by: John Kelly, 1867, alt. Titled: "Auf, auf, mein Herz, mit Freuden" Composer: Johann Crueger, 1648 Tune: "Auf, auf, mein Herz"
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