
« Prev 495. O brothers, lift your voices Next »
Brotherhood and Service

495. O brothers, lift your voices


Berthold Tours, 1872

Edward H. Bickersteth, 1848

O brothers, lift your voices,

Triumphant songs to raise;

Till heaven on high rejoices,

And earth is filled with praise.

Ten thousand hearts are bounding

With holy hopes and free;

The Gospel trump is sounding,

The trump of Jubilee.

O Christian brothers, glorious

Shall be the conflict's close:

The cross hath been victorious,

And shall be o'er its foes.

Faith is our battle token:

Our Leader all controls;

Our trophies, fetters broken;

Our captives, ransomed souls.

Not unto us: Lord Jesus,

To thee all praise be due!

Whose blood-bought mercy frees us,

Has freed our brethren too.

Not unto us: in glory

The angels catch the strain,

And cast their crowns before thee

Exultingly again.


Captain of our salvation,

Thy presence we adore:

Praise, glory, adoration

Be thine for evermore!

Still on in conflict pressing,

On thee thy people call,

Thee, King of kings confessing,

Thee, crowning Lord of all.


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